
Wednesday, August 14, 2024

August 14, 2024

            This is a good morning as it is The Dons birthday. The Don is not 21 years ole again, heck he might even be over 50 years old, again? Before we go any further, I want to wish everyone a good morning. We hope you all have a wonder filled day.

            Now since it is The Dons birthday, he decided to provide a photo of him for your enjoyment. If you think he looks very young in this photo, we say thanks, and we know you are stretching the truth, as he is now as of this day, 77 years old. 

            The photo was taken as a selfie, the orange line in the photo is the Tres’ lead. The Don likes hats and that is why he has it on, yes, he still has hair on his head, although it is kind of gray. What are The Dons plans for the celebration of his birth? First, he will take the Gabi and the Alex to school, they have to be there by 8:25, then I go home and brush my teeth and get ready to go to the dentist, I have a 10:00 appointment. Yes, a dental appointment on my birthday, and later in the afternoon I will get to pick up Gabi from school, Alex stays for football practice. If you are thinking The Don really knows how to celebrate, you are incorrect

            The Don will likely get to sit outside this afternoon with his favorite wife and enjoy the quiet time, and maybe an adult beverage.

Speaking of quiet time, yesterday morning while The Don was outside working, aka watering the pots and the berries, along with removing more of the dead from the #3 black berry bed, it was very noisy. Now this wasn’t just the birds having conversations, there was hammering off in the distance which sounded like someone was getting a new roof. There was the sound of a train going through town, and the tree trimming people were making a lot of noise with the chain saws and tree limb chippers. The noise was bad enough, but the heat and the humidity made it even worse.

Did The Don do anything yesterday that hasn’t been previously presented? Yes, The Don did pick up Alex from football practice yesterday morning at about 10:30. I had stopped by the chicken place and purchased an iced tea for me and for Alex. When the Alex got into the Ford’s ole Chevy with me, he noted that Gabi had sent him a text wanting him to ask me if I would get her some chicken for lunch. well, being a nice grandpa, I gave in and headed for the chicken place, again. I did ask Alex if he wanted any chicken for lunch and he said, “yes please”. The chicken that they wanted came as a meal, which includes an iced tea. That meant that Alex got two ice teas, you know, football practice in the heat, dehydrates a person, and the two ice teas can help to rehydrate a person.

Another fact about yesterday, Claire started work at Do it Best, she will be working in receiving. Best wishes for Claire in the new job.

I started out at HWI (Hardware Wholesalers Inc) now known as Do it Best, in 1971 in the receiving department.

I guess that will be all for now, we hope you have a good day, and we hope that everyone stays safe.

77th Birthday celebration.

Senior ole person who is now another year older, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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