
Friday, August 2, 2024

August 2, 2024

            It seems to be another good morning here in Hewitt, and if you aren’t in Hewitt we still wish you a good morning. My pot hound Tres took me for a short walk this morning before the sun was up. It wasn’t bad walking in the morning shade.

            Today’s thoughts listed below:

            No one asked so I will not comment on the fact that my back is not hurting from the cutting that was performed a couple days ago. Later today I can remove the bandage, per instructions, wash the wound, and then rebandage it. Since I can’t reach or see the wound, I hope my favorite wife will help me. 

            My big plan for the day it to get our yard man Alex over here and get the front yard and back 40 mowed. This will be the last Friday that we will be able to access Alex as football and school are beginning. My favorite wife is making chicken noodle soup for our lunch as me and Alex like the soup.

            I have another comment, and it is about the acorns. The squirrels have been eating the small acorns and dropping the shells everywhere. I do not like acorns, and the three Red Oak trees in our front yard are already loaded with these acorns. As we walked this morning there is a Live Oak tree that hangs out over the street and there are even more acorns on the live oak tree.

            Yesterday was a day of rest for the Fords, even though I did water the flowers in pots and the three berry beds, we were able to get out to supper yesterday afternoon and returning home we did sit outside for a while. When we have a choice of sitting outside or inside, we choose outside. I guess one would say most of our discussions are about trees, flowers, grass, weeds, heat, lack of a breeze, the fact that the neighborhood is very quiet, and the lack of traffic on the street. Now you can see we have very interesting conversations.

            Well, if I stop entering data now, I can take a short break before getting our yard man Alex over here. Even though Alex does the mowing I do the POOPA-LOOPA pickup and look for other debris in the yards. 

            Two photos; first, they said we could have a bright sunrise yesterday due to the Saharan dust in the sky, I didn’t see it. Second, blooms that start out a dark red turn pink when they are in full bloom.

            I know, you are tired of the photos of blooms, but I am not.

            We hope your day is filled with goodness, that someone will be nice to you today, and that we all have a safe day.

Get the yard man!

Senior ole person who needs to get going, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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