
Monday, August 5, 2024

August 5, 2024

            I will say good morning to all, even though I have no internet or home phone here at the Fords Homestead. Oddly enough we do have TV, and yes, our cell phones work because they are not through the company who is supposed to provide our internet. I have called them and find out that it is the modem that has gone bad. I have a choice of going to their store in Waco, taking the ole unit back and getting a new unit, or wait until tomorrow for someone to bring me a new one. I guess I will go to their store, which opens at 10:00am. 

            I don’t know when I will be able to send this email, but it will be late.

            Changing the topic: I did check the solar panel yesterday and what wiring that I will need to do to attach the voltage regulator. After some studying, I have learned that I will only need to cut one wire, attach a couple connectors, and it should start working.

            I need to get Alex from football practice today, yep, the 9th graders have started practicing.

            I have watered the potted plants this morning along with the black berries. I need to put our trash can and the neighbor’s trash can up, they are on vacation and I kind of keep and eye on things while they are gone.

            I guess I will stop now, I need to get ready to go exchange the router. More about this tomorrow!

Not Happy!

Senior ole person who don’t like a lot of unexpected change, Don the Ford 

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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