
Thursday, August 1, 2024

August 1, 2024

            We have entered into a new month, and the main thing to remember about August is, “the Don has a birthday in August”. By the way, we here at the Fords homestead wish you a good morning. I should note; several times when I attempted to enter good morning, I enter God Morning, so now I am also wishing you a God Morning.

            Let’s see if the Don survived yesterday’s cutting on his back. Well, he seems to be entering this data into the Fords ole computer, so he may have survived, or this could be robot program (A I) doing this entering.

            After reviewing what has been entered, I will say it is the Don and not “A I”, as the Don makes mistakes that the “A I” would not make.

            The Don did survive the cutting at the skin doctor’s office (aka Dermatologist) and had not had any pain at all. I did not feel any pain during the cutting. Now I need to keep it clean and bandaged for a while. I have a photo of the bandage on my back, but I will not post it.

            Different story: we did go to the Tax office and get the handicapped signs for the vehicles. We had to wait a while after arriving as there were other people in line ahead of us. We sat down and there was an ole lady sitting close to us and she liked to talk. We learned that she will be 80 years ole shortly, she spoke with a loud and low voice. She noted that she had to feed the horses as her husband knees were getting bad.

            We were called up to the desk about the same time she was, and they took care of us, but the lady that had been telling us her life story, and another ole lady on the other side of us were both rejected as they did not have the correct information. We knew how that felt.

            It was about 11:00am as we were on the way home, so we decided to stop at the booze shop and get a bottle. The shop was still closed. I wonder if they are on vacation or why they aren’t open.

            Back to yesterday: Later in the afternoon my favorite wife and I did sit outside for a while. It was hot and at times there was a good breeze, but at times we had the big ole fan on.

            I guess that is it for now, I plan to take it easy today, you know with all the cutting on me, I will need to take several naps, and I am tired due to Tres taking me for an early morning walk. We hope your day is fun and safe, please be nice to at least one person today, I heard that you forgot to be nice yesterday.

Ole back is ok.

Senior ole person who did good through the cutting yesterday, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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