
Monday, August 26, 2024

August 26, 2024

            I would like to say good morning to all, we hope your day is starting well and that we will have another good day. I woke up this morning and realized that I may have had one of the best night sleeps I had in a long time.

            This is day 4 for me with the virus, the instructions from the doctor were to stay isolated for 5 days. Then, if I had not had a fever for 24 hours, I should wear a mask for the next 5 days when I was around or near other people.

            Being confined to one’s homestead is boring. I miss the normal daily routine, even though it isn’t anything special.

            Now I did go outside and water the potted plants along with the berry bushes this morning, and I started early enough I was not in the sun very much of the time. A neighbor came over to see how we were doing, he stopped about 50 feet away from me and we talked for a while. We are thankful for the neighbors and friends who have checked on us. Emails, text messages, and phone calls are all safe from the virus, I hope.

Plans for today; stay confined, take too many naps, and think about things I want to do. I still need to dig a couple holes in a flower bed and plant two flowers that we have.

My favorite wife and I did sit outside on the front porch yesterday, we just needed some time outside with some hot fresh air. It was not happy hour, it was just get out of the house time.

Well, I will stop for now, we hope you all have a good day, that everyone stays safe and none of you get the virus.


Senior ole person who feels much better, but knows it isn’t over, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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