
Saturday, August 10, 2024

August 17, 2024

Good morning to you, good morning to me, good morning to us, good morning to them.”

            Did I leave anyone out of the good mornings, I don’t think so. Why is it such a good morning that one person might ask, well I will splain Lucy. If you don’t know what those two words mean, you are too young to be reading this posting, or maybe you are too old to be reading. We got some rain yesterday, and the free rain gage shows forty-five one hundredths of an inch of rain. For that one person who has a problem with measurements, forty-five one hundredths is more than four tenths of an inch, but less that one half inch.

We did sit out on the front porch yesterday afternoon during the happy rain time and enjoy the breeze and rain. Ole people who have to pick up aluminum cans to get money to buy food, will enjoy the rain because, they can get a free shower by sitting in the rain. I feel very clean right now.

            Let us see why there was no posting yesterday. We went to the eye doctor yesterday; my favorite wife had an appointment. We drove down to Tempel Texas, about a 30-minute drive, and we were going south bound on the interstate, when we observed the northbound lane was blocked by a wreck. Traffic was backed up a couple miles due to the reck.

We spent a couple hours at the doctor’s office with various tests and then we talked with the doctor. They did not find anything different from the last visit. Actually, we sat around most of the time waiting, and that was a little boring.

            Before heading out to Temple I did water the flowers in the flowerpots out in the back 40, even though they said we had a 30% chance of rain in the afternoon.

            Back at home we did very little as we did not need to pick anyone up from football practice or work. I guess leaving the homestead fairly early that morning and sitting at the doctor’s office was kind of tiring and boring, so we just took it easy the rest of the day.

            Unknown reason for injury: the Don must have injured his arm Thursday. Thursday afternoon the Don’s left elbow began to feel odd. It was as if it was swollen and when he would bend his arm it felt tight. That went on for a while but later on it began to hurt when he moved his elbow. As the night progressed the Don lying in bed was keeping his arm against his body not wanting to move it at all. The Don had no idea what he had done and was considering on seeing a Doctor Friday. Oddly enough, when the Don woke up his arm was much better and as the day went on it got even better. I still do not know what I did to my elbow, but it did hurt. I would say it is 98.5% better this morning compared to yesterday. I move it without any pain. 

Different topic: the electric company is removing tree limbs away from power limes here in Hewitt. On Friday afternoon they were working in the ditch behind our house, a couple houses down from our house. I don’t know how they get the trucks and chippers into the ditch, but they do. I was looking over the fence and watching what they were doing, when I put my hand on the metal post of the fence and it was sticky, due to the pollen or something dripping off the tree over the fence. Sticky leaves and anything under them get sticky. 

We did enjoy sitting outside during the rainy part of the afternoon, the temp was much cooler but I still had a cold drink.

Well, I guess I will stop for now, you do not need to know we will likely do our normal Saturday routine, which includes a good nap. We hope your day is safe and filled with nice happenings. Please try again to be nice to that one person, I was nice to them, and you can be too.

Thanks for the rain!

Senior ole person who needs to do what? Ole people don’t remember! Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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