
Saturday, August 17, 2024

August 17, 2024

            It is the start of a new day, and we say good morning to you, and you alone. I have little to add to the posting since I gave you all yesterday's info, yesterday.

            Our plans for today would be to go to lunch with Patrick, Karla, David, Claire, Gabi and Alex. There are usually some lively conversations during our lunch, along with good food. Other than that, no real plans. We usually go to the cheap store after eating lunch, but when we are with the family, we will probably skip the good deals. 

            A friend came over yesterday afternoon at happy time and we all sit outside relaxing and conversing for a while. It was hot and we had the big ole fan on. The ice in my glass was melting before I would get the drink in my glass drank. Melted ice gives me more to ingest, and it waters the drink down.

            Since I have nothing else to share with you, I will post a photo of a couple flowers blooming here at the Ford’s Homestead.

            These flowers bloom with several colors, and they have been blooming for several weeks. Well, I wish I had more to present today but I don’t. Maybe I will have something to talk about tomorrow. 

No plans, no work!

            Well, I guess I will kick back and do nothing until lunch, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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