
Thursday, August 15, 2024

August 15, 2024

            It is over, and I want to say thanks to all who wished me a happy birthday. I even got a call from a friend who I ran around with as a teenager. It has been a while since we had talked and it was a pleasant surprise when he called. That being said, we wish everyone a good morning.

            Yesterday was pretty much as I had forecast it to be with a couple small exceptions. I did not need to get Gabi from school, and my favorite wife and I went out for supper. We did sit outside for a while yesterday afternoon, and it was hot but there was an occasional breeze which would interfere with the big ole fan’s air flow.

            Plans for today are to follow my normal schedule with the one exception and that is, take the Tres to the vet. I think vets charge more than human doctors. One month of the meds that Tres gets for itching cost more than what I pay for an entire year of my meds.

            If you live in or around Hewitt Texas you know how bad the traffic is when school is in session, and yesterday it was even worse. It seemed as if every parent or grandparent were taking their kid or kids to school. They have buses for the kids to ride but it seems that many do not ride the buses. I expect today to be the same, and I hope it gets better as everyone gets use to this year’s school schedule.

            Actually, I need to get going so I will stop for now and say, we hope everyone has a good day, and be safe in all you do.

Grandkid transporter.

Senior ole person who does not like taking Tres to the vet, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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