
Saturday, August 3, 2024

August 3, 2024

            Well, it is morning, and now it seems to be a good morning, so we wish you an extra good morning from “The Ole Fords of Hewitt”. It was a stressful morning for the Don this morning, as he started off with watering the front flowerpots, even though the lawn sprinklers had run. Then the Don allowed the Pot hound Tres to take him for a walk. Returning from the walk the Don headed out into the back 40 and provided water to the berry beds and to the flowerpots. I did get a couple more flower photos. The yellow blooms fold or unfold different from the others, which are the same type flower.

            After what seemed to be hours of labor (aka about 30 minutes) he came into the Homestead and helped his favorite wife make the Ford’s ole bed.

            Now that strenuous work finished, he procured himself a breakfast sandwich from the freezer and warmed it in the microwave. Sitting at the fords ole desk the Don wanted to get the computer running and he wanted to print out a coupon for the Harbor store as he wanted to get an item for his favorite grandson. This item is a metal container used to keep handguns in, and it has a cable to secure it to something solid. Now Alex does not have a gun, but he does have a few dollars saved up and I want it to be secure for him.

            All the above was stated to say it took forever to get the printer printing, as I had not used it since we got the new router. Yep, I had to set up the printer to work on WIFI and that is not easy. The screen on the printer is about 1.5 inch by 1.5 inch and I had to enter the password using arrow keys. Now I had to have my glasses on to even see the small screen and after several attempts, yes, I was stressed out and almost cried, but I was successful. Now I have a 15% off coupon to use, and a smile on my ole face.

            We plan to go into Waco today and follow our normal Saturday schedule, but I might try a different sandwich at the sandwich shop. I will check to see if the booze store is open when we drive by, and if not, I will go to another booze store. Also, I want to go to the Harbor store and get the afore mentioned item and maybe a tarp. We will likely go to the cheap store as there is an item there that I want to get. Back at home, I hope we can rest for a while.

            Well, I guess that will be it for now, we hope you have a good day, and we encourage everyone to stay safe in all we do.

Bloom photographer.

Senior person who hopes you have a day filled with kindness, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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