
Friday, August 30, 2024

August 30, 2024

            Well, the sun isn’t up yet as I am entering this data, but I think we are all headed for a good morning. I am still expected to wear a mask when I am around anyone, so I don’t get around too many people right now.

            No big plans for the day, I will get Alex and take him to school this morning. He had his first freshmen football game yesterday, so I will find out how that went. We did not go as we did not want to sit there with the masks on in the heat.

            I did leave the homestead yesterday to go to the teller machine and get the weekly stipend, I wanted to get gas so I went to the Wally world gas station and every pump had a car, there were vehicles around the station waiting to get gas. Heck, it reminded me of the gas wars back in the 1960s. by the way I did not get gas.

            Leaving the gas station, I went to the star coffee place to get a free cup of coffee. This is the first time I have purchased a cup of real coffee in several months. Coffee acquired, I headed for home. I had decided I might drink half of the cup since the doctor suggested I stop drinking coffee, and when I tasted the coffee, I wondered why I ever drink it in the past. It did not taste good; I must have been addicted to the caffeine.  

            At home I took a nice restful nap, then I went out and spread some fire ant killer on the fire ant mounds. I also spread some snail killer on the flower beds, yes you are correct that is a lot of work for an ole person.

            My favorite wife and I did sit outside yesterday afternoon, the temp was somewhat cooler and there was a breeze. Well, I guess that is it for now, I need to get started over to Alex house and get him off to school. We hope you all have a good day and please be safe in all we do.

Fire ant and snail killer.

Senior ole retired person with nothing to do again, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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