
Monday, August 19, 2024

August 19, 2024

            I say good morning to you all, as I have started my day by going out into the back 40 to see if a plant had bloomed. This plant we call the moon plant because it blooms at night. Yesterday my favorite wife and I were out back reviewing the area, after we had given our pot hound Tres a bath. Tres has a habit of getting soaped up really good then we let him run around the yard a while before we rinse him. His habit is to find some dirt and try to roll around in the dirt.

Well, I guess I have gotten off subject, back to the moon plant and blooms. Yesterday we were reviewing the back 40 when we noticed that the big moon plant had a bunch of buds that will be blooming soon. We had thought we should check the plant early this morning to see how many bloomed, and if a bunch we wanted to get a photo. We had one bloom on the big plant. These blooms go away shortly after the sun comes up.

We had also reviewed two other moon plants that as far as we know have never bloomed. They both have a bunch of new buds coming out on them. If we get a bunch of them blooming, we will attempt to get a photo.

We did get out from the house yesterday, as we went to the Cracker store for lunch. We were happy when we arrived, there was no waiting list so we were seated quickly. Lunch was good service seemed to be a little slow.

Back at home we did very little, although I did go on line to get instructions as to how to use my ole telescope. I can manually position it toward something and then view it or I can use the controls to position it. I think it is supposed to be able to find certain stars automatically, but I need to read more about that.

Different topic: I need to get Alex this morning and take him to school. After dropping him off at school I need to go to get my eyes checked. I find this different from the old doctor we had, they would do the eye check and then see the doctor the same day. Now we get the eye check and then see the doctor, three days later, which means I have to drive out there twice. I think they do it to make ole people get out of their homes more often.

My favorite wife and I did sit outside yesterday in the 100-plus heat, and we did have two fans blowing. The big fan as usual and we now have a small battery powered fan which was blowing on my favorite wife.

Well, I need to stop, and then get going. We hope you have a good day and stay safe in all you do.

Moon plants.

Senior ole person who don’t like the eye checking, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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