
Monday, August 12, 2024

August 12, 2024

            I am starting this post before 7:00am this morning but I plan to get out and mow a soon as it is light enough to see and mow safely, so I will finish the post later. Allow me to wish you a good morning, and the rest of the readers get a good morning also.

            I want to get out and mow as early as possible, to beat some of the heat and the sun shining on me. Our yard man will be at football practice this morning so I must do the work myself. The security cameras are indicating that it is bright enough to get started, I hope I don’t bother any of the neighbors with the sound of the mower. Wow, if I had an electric mower, they would not be able to hear me mowing.

            It is now 11:00am and I am back at the keyboard. I did mow and trim the front yard and I used the leaf blower to get the grass off the street and walkway. During this process I have noticed that the acorns are starting to fall off the Oak trees. Just what we need, another year of millions of acorns.

            I proceeded to the back 40 where I used the walk behind mower to mow in close to some items in prep for the string trimmer. You can use the trimmer to get in close but if you use the mower first there is less for the trimmer to do. I did get the back 40 trimmed and I hope to get the riding mower out later today and mow some areas, not everything needs to be mowed.

            Mowing finished, I was allowed to take a shower, then my favorite wife put a bandage on my back. I was able to get my ole tired body dressed and out to the Ford’s ole Chevy where we headed to the George restaurant for a late breakfast. The late breakfast works, as an early lunch too. Food was good, service was very good, and we made it back home so I can finish this posting.

            Sunday, we did very little other than rest. We did sit outside in the afternoon for a while enjoying the calm afternoon. I have a photo of the Tres in the back 40 after a wash job. I don’t know if he even knew he had the towel on his back.

            Sunday evening, I had Clam chowder for supper, and I decided to add to the chowder some shrimp, which I cut into small pieces. It was ok but not anything exciting. Shrimp alone, or clam chowder alone, but not together.

            Well, I think I will go and rest my ole body in the Fords ole recliner. We hope you have a good day, and please stay safe in all you do.

Don a Yard man?

Senior ole person who is tired and full of good food, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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