
Tuesday, August 20, 2024

August 20, 2024

            Good morning to you and a couple others too. We hope your day is starting off well, and that you can stay inside out of the heat, I understand that it is supposed to be as high as 106 today. That will make it tough to sit outside this afternoon.

Yesterday was trash pickup day, obviously, I did put the trash cart out to the curb. As I was removing said trash cart, I noticed on the pavement underneath where the trash cart normally sits, there was a carcass of a dead rat. Now I have no idea how it got there, but it had been dead for a while. Photo to follow.

            I was not thinking, I hope you weren’t getting ready to eat something as you observed the dead carcass of the rat.

            Speaking of animals in the neighborhood, our good neighbor a couple houses away has been trapping possums, and they have caught 3 grown possums in three days. They think the possums may be on the move due to the tree limb removing that is going on. When they catch them, they take them out of Hewitt and drop them off in about the same area where the animal control people drop them off. I wonder, do they know how to get back to our neighborhood, heck they came from somewhere. Maybe I should offer to loan them another trap.

            Different subject: Since there were many, I mean no questions about the return of the telescope, I thought I would get a couple photos to enlighten the non-questioning public. I placed it in the back 40 and took a couple photos. I have not yet tried to see the moon or stars, but maybe tonight. The weather person said there should be a full moon last night and this one is referred to as the blue moon. I don’t think it would be blue; I think it is just a name.


           I wonder how much I paid for this telescope years ago. It seems to be still in good condition.

            I got through the eye test yesterday ok, they did not dilate my eyes, and I did not see a real doctor. I did ask why I was not seeing the doctor and I said, “I don’t like driving out here two times in one week.” The lady who was giving me the tests said she didn’t know why they had me scheduled this way. This coming Thursday I go back, and they will dilate my eyes then, darn it.

            We did sit outside yesterday afternoon, and we did have the two fans on. The big ole fan was positioned as usual, and the small fan was placed next to my favorite wife. Even though it was 103 degrees yesterday, we were able to survive and actually enjoy the time outside.

            I just went outside and checked on the Moon plant to see if it had any blooms. There were three blooms on the big plant with more than 20 soon to be blooms and the other two plants have numerous buds which will soon be blooms.

            My big plans for the day are to get the Alex to school safely and then get the hair on my head cut. Yep, these are big plans, heck I might even get a cup of real coffee after the hair cutting episode.

            One different subject: I saw a bird yesterday that I have not seen in many years, it was a road runner. I had pulled into the parking lot for the eye exam, and there it was on the parking lot. I thought I might get a photo but by the time I got the phone out the bird had run off. When we first moved into our house in Hewitt there were road runners in the neighborhood but with additional homes and people they disappeared.

            I need to get going so I will stop now and say we hope you have a very good day and that we are all safe in want we do.

Road runner.

Senior ole person who needs his hair cut and would like a real cup, but, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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