
Tuesday, August 27, 2024

August 27, 2024

            Good morning again, we did not get any rain yesterday afternoon and everything is very dry. In the yard where the sprinkler system is not, the ground is full of cracks.

            As Tres and I ventured out to the front yard for the morning refresh, I noticed how quiet the neighborhood was. There weren’t any birds making sounds, the wind was not blowing, I could hear and occasional sound of a vehicle over on Hewitt drive, and then I heard it, the sound of a rooster crowing. I don’t know where this rooster was but he was saying good morning to all, and he was saying it often.

            Did the Don do anything yesterday: I went out back and cut up a tree limb that had fell a few days ago when we had some heavy winds. Alex had placed the two limbs on the trailer so he could mow and I decided to cut and break it into small pieces so I could put it into the trash container. It was a dead limb from the tree in the back 40.

            I also made a small effort to dig in the flower bed but did not put too much effort in that venture.

            My favorite wife and I did sit outside yesterday afternoon enjoying the reduced temperature. Our next-door neighbor started walking over to where we were sitting and I told him we have covid. He stopped and said, “I had it last week, I hope you all get better soon”, he turned and went back to his house. Knowing that he had the virus, that means, us and three neighbors have had the virus for a total on our block of 4 families in the last few weeks.

            They had predicted some chance of rain yesterday and I think I know why we did not get any rain. I have a photo of the cloud that was over head yesterday.

            As you can see, the cloud had holes in it and the rain had fell out before the cloud got here.

            Plans for today are, stay at home away from other people so we don’t spread the virus. I guess I will stop for now, we hope you have a good and safe day with out any virus. Be careful, the virus is everywhere.

Sanitize everything.

Senior ole person who would like for the virus to go away, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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