
Thursday, August 22, 2024

August 22, 2024

            This is another start to a hot day here in Texas. A friend in northern Indiana said it was 50 degrees there yesterday morning, that must be nice. Today my plans are to get Alex to school a little early as I have an early morning eye doctor appointment today.

            They will probably dilate my eyes and that will put the rest of the day on hold. It takes a while for my eyes to get back to normal, and I usually sit around in the house with sunglasses on until the eyes get back to normal.

            I have a photo of some of the work that I did complete yesterday, there is one flower planted in the bed, and I started on the other hole for another flower. By the way, I worked in the hot afternoon, as the sun shines on that bed in the morning.

           Well, I need to get go so I will say, "have a good day, be safe in all you do."


Senior ole person who hopes they don't, but they probably will, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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