
Friday, August 16, 2024

August 16, 2024

            Hello to you and those other people too. I want to say good morning to all of you.

            I will need to go get the grandkids and take them to school in a few minutes. It is a challenge when you hope to find a way where there is less traffic on the way to school, and all the other drivers are doing the same thing.

            I am back and it is in the afternoon, I did get the kids to school but there was a major problem, aka wreck. Now we had decided to try a different route which would bring us to the same destination and we took Panther Way from Hewitt Drive, and it is not a big street. We made it to the turn and there was a policeman who arrived at the same time we did with lights flashing. He made us and all the vehicles behind us turn around and go back. We could see there was a car turned over on the road that we wanted to go onto. Big delay but we got them to school almost on time.

            I returned home and I watered the potted plants this morning, which isn’t too much of a project in its self but I decided to also water the berry beds and then it takes more time. I was doing nothing but standing there spraying water and I was sweating. The flowers and berries watered I decided to wash the windows on the Ford’s ole pickup. Even though the truck is parked under the carport, it still gets that sticky stuff from the trees on the windows and body of the truck.

            The windows looked good so I decided to use the window washer / squeegee on the truck body. It has a sponge and a squeegee so I started washing the truck with the sponge part of the window cleaner. I did not need to bend down or stretch as the window cleaner has a long handle, and it worked better and easier than I expected. I did need to squeegee the windows a second time as I got water on them when I was rinsing the soap off the truck.

            That done, I was very hot and sweaty so I decided to take a shower. Now I had my favorite wife take the bandage off my back, and after the shower, I put a clean Tee shirt on with no bandage. There have been no problems with the area on my back for two weeks, so we decided to try it without the bandage. So far, so good.

            All cleaned up, I decided to do my daily bible reading and then have lunch. Finally, I was able to get some time in the Ford’s ole recliner resting my eyes before my favorite wife returned from town.

I need to clean the office and it is a time-consuming event with all the items I have in the room. Each item needs to be moved, that area cleaned, the item cleaned, and then replaced. Obviously, I start up on the higher areas so that any dust that escapes my grasp will fall to a lower area which I will also clean. The floor gets the last cleaning.

Ok an odd experience this morning early. Tres and I had ventured out to the front yard for his morning review of the area and I was looking up into the sky. Now it was before sun up and I was looking to see if there were any stars that I could see. I looked around and saw nothing, and then I saw it, what at first appeared as a single star, but then I noticed it was flashing. I thought it must be an air plane but it is very high, and there seemed to be two flashing lights side by side. I thought it must be a plane heading my way as it did not seem to be moving. I kept watching it and it did not appear to move. I watched it for a couple minutes and decided maybe I have now seen a space ship, could it have been the space station. I don’t know what it was but it was there and it flashed.

Well, I did go and get gas for the Ford’s ole Chevy and when I returned, I remembered that I had started this posting this morning and had not finished it, so now it is finished.

We hope you have had a good day and we hope everyone stayed safe.

Space ship or station?

Senior ole person who needs to take another break, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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