
Sunday, June 2, 2024

June 2, 2024

            I did not send a post Saturday due to a power outage; I started this posting yesterday but did not finish it because we had our sons coming to the homestead so we could go out and have lunch together.  I have a couple things to present so maybe I will actually finish this today.

            Thursday afternoon we received 1.25 inches of rain. Thursday night into Friday morning we received 2.75 inches of rain, that is a total of 4 inches in a 24-hour period.  

            We wish you a good morning, and today is a good morning, as we now have power again. Friday morning at 3:30am, that is when we were in bed, yes, we still have a bed in the Ford’s ole house, the power went off. The power stayed off all day Friday, and it did not come back on until Friday night at 11:30pm, that is 20 hours without power. Even though we were not happy about the power outage, we were thankful it was not as bad as those people who were in the tornados. I did use the generator to provide power for the two refrigerators and the deep freeze. We also provided some power for lights in a couple rooms. If you have never had a long hour power outage, you can’t Imagin how it messes up just about everything.

            The new battery backup helped as my favorite wife and I used it to watch the local news while the power was off. It also kept the house phone on line and the security cameras.

            I did not get to pick the black berries Friday so Saturday’s harvest was big. Alex started the picking of the black berries and my favorite wife, and I finished the harvest.

Saturday morning first thing I went out to the garage to put thigs away. I needed to get all the extension cords rolled up, I needed to get the generator back into the garage, and get the flower pots out of the garage, mission accomplished.

            A neighbor came over to see our generator and to get some ideas of what he needed to do, as he is considering getting a generator. We had some good discussions about how we used our generator.

            Our sons and their families went out for lunch with us Saturday, it is the first chance we have had to get together and celebrate Mother’s Day. We decided on the George restaurant. After lunch Patrick and Karla came to our house while Dave and his family went to their home.

            Back at the homestead we did sit around for a while discussing many topics, before we decided to go to the cheap store. We checked things out at the cheep store and I did purchase a couple items. Returning home, we did have some interesting conversations before Patrick and Karla headed for home. 

We were once again alone at the Ford’s house with nothing to do, so I did get a short nap. I did have some time to read from the bible, I do read from the bible daily, before getting ready to go outside for our peaceful time (no TV noise). A good friend did come over and sit with us as we enjoyed the nice afternoon.

Now to the photos and different topic: photo one is of a wild flower blooming in the fence back at the ditch, I have always referred to them as Morning Glories. The other photo is of a cactus type plant and the start to this bloom looks like a small Christmas Tree.

            I do need to remove the fallen tree limbs from the back 40 today, but other than that, no real plans. We hope your day is restful and full of goodness, while you stay safe in all you do.

Be thankful!

Senior ole person who is thankful that he can do things, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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