
Wednesday, June 19, 2024

June 19, 2024


            A good morning to you, we may get a little rain today, actually, we need a little rain. Today my big plan may be to do as little as possible, although, since it should be cooler and the possibility of rain, I could attempt to weed eat the ditch, or not.

            Allow me to reference yesterday: I found a flower pot, with a flower in it, turned over. Now this upset my favorite wife as this flower is pretty and easy to damage. I was told that the flower needed to be watered so I watered all the flowers in pots yesterday morning. It was decided that the flower would need to be repotted in a larger (heavier) pot later in the day.

            I still needed to get the gas out of the generator, so I moved it out of the garage again. I used a wooden dowl to see how much gas was still in the generator, after running it a couple hours the day before. There was still an inch of gas in the generator, so I started it and let it run. After an hour or more it stopped running, I tried again to restart it but it was out of gas, thank goodness. I cleaned the dust off it and let the gas tank air out. I like to get as much gas out as possible.

            I cleared off some stuff from the work bench and actually tossed some things away. I also cleaned most of the garage by sweeping and spaying for bugs, there was a lot of small spider webs and I want to get rid of them. The floor swept, I then put the generator in its place and moved the bench over the generator

            I moved the Ford’s ole van back in the garage, now I thought, most of the work for the day is done. I got a call from Dave to pick him up from work.

            Arriving back home we were able to sit outside for a while. I did not have an adult beverage as I was rehydrating with some cold water. It wasn’t too long when it was decided to re-pot that flower that had fell over earlier. I brought a bag of potting soil from the shed to the driveway where we were sitting and together my favorite wife and I re-potted the flower. I then again watered the plants as I was told they needed it. 

            Work completed, all my cold water drank, I then made myself an adult beverage, as then we actually rested for a while. As you can see, another do-nothing day.

            Well, I guess that is it for now, we hope you have a safe day filled with happy thoughts and not a lot of work.

What’s next?

Senior ole person who may work too much, or, not enough, Don the Ford    

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