
Tuesday, June 11, 2024

June 11, 2024

            What has the Don done on this Good Morning? Since no one asked and no one cares I am not going to tell you that I have already completed the morning feeding of the animals. I am going to report on what I did yesterday, but since you aren’t interested, just stop reading.            

Yesterday events by the Don: I did get the front yard mowed yesterday and it looks good. Later in the day when the sun was behind the clouds, I ran the sprinkler system one minute on each area. There were a couple sprinkler heads that did not get above the grass. I don’t know if the grass is too tall, or if the heads need some work. The water that has been in the lines since last fall smelled like a sewer when it started spraying out.

            While I was mowing the front yard, I noticed that the volunteer sun flowers (volunteer indicates that we did not plant them) of which 3 had bloomed, there is now a 4th starting to bloom. The fourth new bloom is to the right of the photo. Photo to follow.

            I also have a photo of the black berries that for some reason came up late and had green berries on them, they are now starting to ripen. That is odd as the main berry bushes have almost stop producing. Photo to follow.

            I thought about running the gas out of the generator today, but there was, and is, thunder in the area. The storms may not yet be over, and we have gotten some rain. The gas stays in the generator for a little while longer.

            I looked out the front door and the sun was behind the clouds, so I decided to take Tres for a walk. I wanted to see if another neighbor was getting a new car port built. When I got the lead on the Tres and stepped outside the sun was shining brightly, it was hot and very uncomfortable when we walked, so we only took a short walk. It appears another neighbor is getting a new car port.

About 4:30 I headed over to the other Fords homestead in an effort to feed the pets. I have to cut up some vegetables for the guinea pigs, check the water for all the animals, and take some crickets to the little lizard, turn off a couple lights and turn on a heat lamp for the little lizard.  

Returning home from the zoo, we set outside on the porch due to rain. Now it was not raining when I returned home but the seats on the swing where we normally sit were wet. The neighborhood was quiet until one neighbor drove by in his pickup truck. Tres our guard dog, jumped up and begin barking at the truck. Now Tres does bark at UPS, FedEx and the USPS truck, but this is the only pickup that he barks at. I think the neighbor enjoys driving by and having Tres bark at him.

Well, you guessed it, I am now done, and I wish you a good and safe day.

Animal caretaker.

Senior ole person who will attempt to do nothing today, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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