
Friday, June 21, 2024

June 21, 2024

            Good Friday Morning to all. I have already gone outside and watered the flowers in the pots before 7:00am, I wanted to beat the heat and I did. It was a very nice morning, and the sun was still behind some clouds. I was able to water all the flowerpots front and back yards, and as I was finishing the sun started coming out from behind the clouds. Talk about being blessed, that is a blessing, working in the cool with the sun behind the cloud.

            No one asked so I am not going to tell you one of the reasons for this early watering. Ok, I will tell you, I may get to go to lunch with my favorite wife and her friends if Dave gets off work on time. If he gets off at 11:00 I would be able to take him home and still get to the restaurant on time. Second reason: I always fill the birdbaths and the dogs water bowls when I water the flowers, and I wanted Tres to have plenty of water because he would be outside if I get to go to lunch. 

            Let’s get to yesterday’s non-events: The air filter for the walk behind mower, I learned, are expensive. I checked at my previous employer for the filter, and it was $9.26, it was a Briggs & Stratton filter, but I could not get it until next Friday. I checked online at a local hardware store, and they had a generic version for $16.00. I went to the hardware store to get the filter, even though I did not want to pay that price. I found the filter and next to it they had the Briggs & Stratton filter for $20.00. $16.00 is too much to pay, but I didn’t have much of a choice. Filter was installed and the ole filter was in bad shape.

            I did run the sprinkler system yesterday morning for 5 minutes each area, the ground needed it. For a while I complain about too much rain, and then I complain about to little rain. The people up north who are now in the mid-90s are unhappy with the heat, we are complaining about the humidity that comes with the heat. Next week we are supposed to be in the upper 90s close to 100. I guess we all have things to complain about.

            Two photos of clouds taken while we sat outside yesterday. The first one looks like a storm coming and there is a hole in the middle, the second looks like a wonder filled afternoon with a very blue sky!

         Well, I did pull some unwanted items (startup trees) from the Jasmin bed yesterday, I did not get them all, but I did make a start.

            I think I will stop for now I might try to get the other email working again on the computer. Oddly enough, it works on the phone but not on the computer.

            We hope you have a good and safe day, be kind to everyone, “even your spouse”!

Photographer of clouds.

Senior ole person who has a couple things to do, Don the Ford


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