
Sunday, June 23, 2024

June 23, 2024

            From us to you, “Good Sunday Morning”. We hope you have a very good Sunday, don’t work too hard, and take lots of breaks, as the heat is here.

            I will attempt to keep this posting as short as possible; I know you need some time for yourself away from that phone and the computer.

            What did the Fords do yesterday: well, they drove into town about 11:00am, where they had an early lunch. After ingesting the food, did you like the word ingesting, they went to the cheap store where the Don looked at solar powered flag pole lights. Now the Don had seen the solar powered flag pole lights last week when he was in the store, and he thought about getting one for his friend who has a flag pole, but his friend is not a person who likes birthday gifts, are any kind of gift.

            Knowing all that and considering how his friend might respond to the gift, the Don bought two of the flag pole lights, one for the friend, and one for himself. His friend is out of town right now so we don’t have any input as to the coming response. These lights are used to light up the flag at night, and they can either show a study white light, or they can be set to go between red, white and blue lights.

            The Don and his favorite wife did stop at the adult beverage store and purchased some adult beverage. Leaving the city, we drove home where we put some needed time in the recliners thinking about nothing but rest.

Later in the afternoon a friend came over and brought some items for repotting a couple flowers we have. This friend is the person who gave us the flowers and he said he would be back today to help us repot the plants.

Today’s possible events: As noted above, we may be repotting some plants today, we haven’t decided yet but we may go to the cracker store for lunch which means I don’t have to wash dishes.

I called our yard man Alex yesterday to see if he would be interested in mowing the back 40 on Monday, and he said he would. I haven’t talked with Gabi to see if she has been working on my art work, but she might come over on Monday also. There is a good chance of homemade Chicken Noodle Soup for Monday’s lunch.

Well, I guess I have kept the posting short, we hope you have a wonder filled day and please be safe in all you do.

Sunday aka Sun Day!

Senior ole person who needs to stop and then start, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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