
Thursday, June 13, 2024

June 13, 2024

            Well, it is “the 13th,” but not Friday the 13th, so we wish you all a Good Morning!

            Yesterday: I did complete my blog post before I headed out to care for the animals. As I was providing the needed food, I noticed that the lizard’s food, all but one was dead. The lizard gets crickets for its food and I only saw one live cricket in the cricket box. Later, after returning to the home place, I decided to go to the pet store and purchase some crickets. I got 25 crickets for $3.53. Now the lizard can have a lively supper.

            Yesterday afternoon we did sit outside for a while enjoying our time away from the TV. It is always nice to sit outside as our neighborhood is usually quiet, and we occasionally get a friend to stop by. I have another photo of total relaxation. Molly resting?

            I talked with the fellow who built our car port, he is building another car port, he noted that he has made some money here on Oklahoma Avenue, since he built our car port. He is an old man; he does good work, but he likes to talk. 

I did go back to feed the animals yesterday afternoon and the little lizard got some fresh live crickets for supper. The cats seem to be happy to see me as they get canned food in the evening.

I have photos to display: our black berries are about to end this year’s production of berries, but the one new bush that I posted a photo of previously now has an almost ripe black berry.

            Well, I need to get over to feed the animals, so I will say see you all later, have a good day and be safe in all you do.

Cricket handler.

Senior ole person who has too much to do and plenty of time to do it, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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