
Saturday, June 29, 2024

June 29, 2024

            Good morning to you, we have another sat all day to enjoy. I might sit all day, or maybe not.

            Let’s look at what the Don did or did not do yesterday. Well, I decided to mow the front yard myself, and I do say it looks good again. The mowing and cleaning up doesn’t take too long, I did get hot and sweaty, even though I was mowing at about 8:00am. All that hard work completed I did drag my ole body back into the house for a short rest.

            My favorite wife decided to go to town to get a birthday gift for a friend, and we also went to the grocery store to get a couple things. Maybe I should not join her in the grocery store as I have a tendency to shop for dessert type items. This time I added a package of cinnamon rolls to the cart, and I had one this morning with my morning coffee. Yes, it was nice!

            As the day passed, I decided to attempt to get the email addresses from the ole computer and enter them on the new computer. The old computer still works but it is very slow, kind of like me. I was able to print out the email addresses from the ole computer and then, one at a time, enter them on to this computer. Hopefully I now have most of the emails available to use. If you get this you are back on the list.

            Later in the afternoon my favorite wife and I sat outside in the heat. The wind was blowing but not steady enough to help cool us off, so I turned the big ole fan on. After a while a friend came over and sat with us. We had a lively discussion about the bible. Earlier my favorite wife had noted that she wanted to get some chicken from the chicken place. Knowing that I would be driving the Ford’s ole Chevy to get the chicken, I only had one adult beverage while we sat outside. I did go and procure some chicken for supper.

            Different topic: Tres and I went for an early morning walk this morning, starting before 7:00am. It was a short walk but we both needed to get out of the house before it got too hot. During the walk I noticed people’s front yards and how they mowed or did not mow. One person had mowed the yard and all the grass from the yard was in the street. I think that looks awful, and I consider blowing grass on to the street and not cleaning it up as “littering”. It also makes the neighborhood look bad.

            Another topic: I watched part of the debate, the president has some problems, and I do not wish those ole age problems on anyone. I am already tired of everyone on the so-called news talking about his problems and the previous president’s problems, although his problems are different. I get very tired of the same news being repeated. Maybe I look at the so-called news too often, but there is nothing else that this ole person wants to watch.

            I still need to get a new router.

            That is it for now, if anything interesting happens, I will probably forget it and not tell you. We hope you have a good day, stay cool and happy while being safe in all you do.


Senior ole person who has too little and needs too much, Don the Ford 

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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