
Monday, June 3, 2024

June 3, 2024

            We got through another day with the power on all day, so we say to you, “Good Morning”. I did very little yesterday, I think I picked up the limbs from the back 40, these limbs were distributed during the last storm. If memory serves me, and sometimes it doesn’t, I also harvested the black berries yesterday. As I think about this, other then reading from the bible and taking a couple naps, I did almost nothing. Now my favorite wife and I did sit outside yesterday afternoon in the sweltering heat, we did have the big fan on, but it was still hot.

            No big plans for today but if I go outside, I will have things I can do. I do need to get Alex and take him to school this morning, he is on the football team and his group works out, that is in the weight room, from 9:00 to11:00. I will also get Gabi and bring her here to the Homestead as she has some art work she is doing for me. When she completes the project, I will have a photo for your enjoyment.

            Speaking of photos, I have another bloom photo. You can see the one bloom and there are others behind the leaves.

            Now you know all there is to know about me, wow that isn’t very much to know!

            I will stop for now and say, “please have a good and safe day in all you do”.

Nothing doing.

Senior ole person who can do nothing and still get tired, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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