
Thursday, June 27, 2024

June 26, 2024

            A hot and steamy Good Morning to you all. How do I know it is hot and steamy, no one asked? I have been outside this morning working my tail off. Ok, I don’t have a tail, but I was working. Ok I wasn’t working I was watering the black berries, before the sun began shining on them. The ground out in the back 40 is full of cracks. We need rain, and we will be saying that all summer long. I have two photos, one of new blooms on a butterfly plant, the other is some black berries that are too late for the harvest.

            I did water the plants in pots yesterday afternoon, following our sitting outside with a cold drink and the fan running on us.

            Yesterday afternoon our friends from across the street came over and sat with us for a while. Yes, we had the big fan moving air to help with the heat. They had been out of town visiting their son and his family. We had some lively discussions even one discussion about religion.

            Other than sitting outside we did very little yesterday, heck it is so hot that going out I begin to sweat just thinking about it. Now I did begin working on my bible study book for the Revelations study. I don’t think it is cheating getting ahead of the class, let’s say I want to be prepared for the class.

I don’t have any outside plans for the day, I might go with my favorite wife to get groceries today, it gets me out of the house but not outside.

Well, I guess I will adjourn from entering data into the computer and take it easy for a while. We hope you have a good day filled with happiness, and as always, “please stay safe”.

Where’s the rain?

Senior ole person who would if he could, but he can’t, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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