
Thursday, June 6, 2024

June 6, 2024

            This morning, we can say, “Good Morning to all”. Yep, we have the power on this morning, it isn’t storming this morning, the sun is shining this morning, and even though it is cooler this morning, it will be hot this afternoon.

            Being hot this afternoon is ok, as it is too wet for me to get out into the back 40 and mow, so all I will need to do is, sit around trying to stay cool.

            I have been thinking about purchasing another battery for the string trimmer which also works on the leaf blower, or should I just purchase a new gas-powered string trimmer as it would cost a little less than the battery. I have two batteries one will not charge so I only have one that works, and they both did work in either the leaf blower or in the string trimmer. If I don’t get the battery I will likely at some point in the future have the second battery go bad, then what do I do. Senior people always have difficult problems to solve.

            We have good neighbors, and I am happy about that. Yesterday as several of the neighbors and I were standing in the street in front of our house during the time that the power was off, we heard a noise. The noise was a cracking sound from a couple houses up the street, where a very large limb broke out of the tree.

Later in the afternoon when my favorite wife and I were sitting outside, we observed one of the young ladies who live in the house with the broken tree limb, take a saw, and go out to the tree limb. The neighbor who lives next door to the lady went over and talked to her, then he went back to his house where he got his chain saw and came over and cut this very large limb into smaller pieces. Then the lady was able to handle the smaller pieces and she piled them up. It is good to have a neighbor who will help.

As I have noted I have helped our next-door neighbor open her garage door when the power goes off, a couple times now. I was presented with a thank you present yesterday, photo to follow.

            I haven’t opened it yet, but I bet it will have a good taste.

            Tres and I was outside this morning as he was checking the front yard out, when I noticed that we have a second volunteer sunflower, photo to follow.

We assume a bird may have planted these sun flowers as we did not plant them. They are very small, and the stalk is very thin too.

I have a note about our pot hound Tres, he likes to go out in the garage and lay, with the garage door up enough he can see under it, but not enough for him to get out. He will stay out there for as long as he wants and when he wants to come back in the house, he will bump the door knob a couple times, which I hear sitting here at the desk, and then I let him in. He has done the same thing from inside the ole office when he wants to go out to the garage. Smart dog, or you might say, he has me trained well! 

            I guess that is all for now, we hope you have a very good day and please be safe in all you do.

Nice weather today!

Senior ole person who should do something but… Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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