
Friday, June 14, 2024

June 14, 2024

            I wanted to say good morning to everyone, but I decided to only say good morning to “you”. You are the best, and being the best means you have all my attention. Now in truth my attention span isn’t that good, I get distracted easily and…          what was I saying?

            Yesterday was a do-nothing day for me, I mostly sit around wanting to do something but not wanting to go outside in the heat. As usual, I did go to Dave’s house to feed the animals, in truth, I feed some in the morning and some in the afternoon, I do see that they all have water and there are lights that get turned on or off depending whether it is morning or evening.

            I did cleanup around the Genny Pig pin as there was some straw that needed to be picked up. The outside cat always needs food, as her food bowl is small and there two other cats that come over and share her food.

            After taking care of my morning duties, I returned home and sat around until about 9:00am. I needed a hair cut so I went to the hair cutting place and I was the only customer there. The lady who cut my hair was good at her work and she kept the conversation going. I would like to have gone to the star coffee place and got a cup, but since I am off the caffeine, I just went back home. I know they have other drinks but I am not sure which one I might like.

            Back at home after the haircut, I decided to go out to the ditch behind the house and spray for weeds. Now I had sprayed for weeds a couple weeks ago but I ran out of spray. Yesterday I wanted to spray what I was not able to spray before, along with any spots that I missed last time. That task completed I returned to the house and completed my morning reading of the bible. After that I had some left overs for lunch and then did nothing until time to go back to feed the animals. 

            Different subject: I have two items on order, the string trimmer, and a book for the coming Bible study. I like it when you can track my package, so I have been attempting to track both packages. Now the Bible study book shipped out of San Antonio Tx, it was shipped to Memphis TN, and then it was shipped back to Austin Tx, it should come to Waco and be out for delivery today. It kind of seems like a long way to travel when you go to Memphis in an effort to get to Waco, from San Antonio.  The bible study doesn’t start until September.

            I did go and feed the evening animals, they all seemed to like the fact that I come over, even though two of the cats seem to be afraid of me. I returned home after the feeding event, and changed my shirt so we could go out to supper.

            We went to the Cracker store and supper was good. When we arrived there was three tables that I could see that had people sitting at them, by the time we had finished supper there was several other people arriving.

            Back at home we sat outside for a while enjoying the quiet afternoon. There were very few cars that passed the house while we sat outside, but the small birds were very active. I called my sister in Missouri to see how she was doing, and we got a call from our son Patrick while we sat outside. Another due-nothing day. I have several things that I could do today, but I don’t know which of them I want to work at. I guess that will be all for now, we hope your day is full of good times and that everyone stays safe in all we do.

Don the animal care taker.

Senior ole retired person who works to much and don’t get paid, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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