
Saturday, June 8, 2024

June 8, 2024

            Good morning from me to you, it is Saturday again and we hope you have a good day.

            Let’s start with this: as someone who have read my postings should know, we here at the Ford’s Homestead have had 4 power outages in the past two weeks. Thursday morning, I stepped out into the garage, and pushed the button to open the garage door. You guessed it, the door would not open. I pushed the button a bunch of times but nothing. I pushed the other button that turns the light on and the light on the garage door worked, but the door would not open. I started thinking, did this have something to do with the power outages. My brain was buzzing, I will need to get this fixed as I do not like having to manually open a garage door.

            As I pondered the problem it came to me, the door will not close if there is something in the way of the sensors, maybe it will not open if there is something in the way of the sensors. I checked the sensors, and our cat Molly was sitting in the way, causing the door to not open, she moved, and the door opened.

            Let’s see what the Don did yesterday: I fed some of the animals at Daves house, I returned home and picked up debris from the back 40 along with the Poopa-Loopa. Then I coiled the hose up and got the riding mower and checked the air pressure on the tires. The new tires are holding the air pressure. I then checked and added a little oil and gas. The mower prepared for work I was able to drag my ole body onto the mower and mow the back 40.

            Mowing complete, I then use the battery powered string trimmer to trim the weedy areas. All the work complete and tools put away I ventured into the house for a shower. My ole body washed I headed into the kitchen to get lunch, and the leftovers were good. Lunch complete I then headed for the ole recliner where I rested this ole senior body.

            The rest of the afternoon I did very little as I was waiting for time to go and finish feeding the animals at Dave’s house.

            I went over to feed the animals at Dave’s house, and there was a truck with a large trailer in Dave’s driveway. There people had permission to go through Dave’s back yard to remove a tree that had fallen over the fence into Dave’s back yard. the tree was large, and the trailer was getting full. The photo was taken after the top of the tree had been removed.

            Prior to feeding the animals I had gone to the gas station to get gas in my favorite wife’s van. After feeding the animals instead of heading for home, I was allowed to go and pick up food for supper and take it home. I had evidently been gone for a long while as I received a call from my wife wanting to know where I was. She noted that her and a friend were waiting on me to go outside and sit. Arriving at home we went outside and I learned that our friend had brought snacks to enjoy while we were resting and discussing world affairs. The snacks were good.

            We had sat outside for a while, I had enjoyed the conversations and the adult beverage, when I realized we had not harvested the Black Berries. I still had enough energy to get out of my chair and go out to the back 40 and say, “ouch”, a bunch of times.

            Well, as you can see, another do-nothing day, but today may be a do something day. I need to feed the animals this morning, I want to get a new tarp to cover the riding mower, I want to get the new gas-powered string trimmer, I want to get a sandwich for lunch, I would like to go to the cheap store, I hope to get some rest back at home, then go and feed the animals at Dave’s, then maybe I will have time to sit outside and rest. Another do-nothing day.

Rest is needed!

Senior ole person who needs to get going, so he can get done, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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