
Tuesday, June 4, 2024

June 4, 2024

            We want to wish you all a Good Morning. We are looking at another very hot day with extreme humidity.

            I did take Alex to the high school so he could work out with other members of the football team. When we picked him up after practice we learned, to use the weight room you have to pay. Now I am not sure what the amount was as I heard $50 and $100 mentioned. Alex said he was not going to pay that to work out in the weight room.

            We the people pay an enormous amount in taxes to support the schools, and then the students have to pay to use the facilities.

            What did the Don do yesterday: other than get upset about the school situation, he did harvest the black berries and he did get on his knees in the front yard. Why was he on his knees, well of course he was praying and then he was cleaning the dirt out of the plastic pipe that goes under the sidewalk. This pipe was placed there originally to allow me to run an extension cord under the sidewalk, and it also serves to get rainwater from one side of the walk to the other side. The pipe is about 1.5 inch in diameter, and if I had been thinking about the water drainage, I would have had a much larger pipe.

            Once the water gets under the sidewalk it pools in the Jasmin bed, so I worked on the drainage for the bed. I think we are ready for the next rain, as long as it isn’t 4 inches of rain again.

            We did sit outside yesterday afternoon; it was very hot, and we had the big fan blowing air on us.

            Today’s adventures: possibility, the front yard might get mowed and trimmed. I said possibly because it is very hot already this morning and I don’t like to work in the heat, in truth I don’t like to work most of the time.

            Note: the last time our yard man Alex was here, he cut the weeds in the ditch, and he used the battery powered trimmer. The second battery was giving him some problems as it would run and then stop and then run. After he finished, I took the battery to the charger, and it will not charge. The battery has an indicator light which shows it needs to be charged, but it will not charge. I check the price of a new battery yesterday and it was $179.00. you can purchase a new leaf blower, with a battery and a new charger for $239.00. Maybe I should use gas trimmers.

            Speaking of the ditch, I did spray about ¾ of one side with weed killer. I need another gallon to finish and then do some touch up weed killing.

            I have a couple photos for the none reading public, one is of a sunflower bloom, it is very small, one is of a baby bird in its nest under our car port, and one is of the father of the baby birds.

            Well, I guess I will stop and then get started on my morning work. We hope your day is outstanding and as always please be safe in all you do.

School charges kids? 

Senior ole person who need to work early to beat some of the heat, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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