
Monday, June 17, 2024

June 17, 2024

            Good Morning from this ole retired person to you and to that other person also. We hope your day is starting out well, and you will enjoy all you do.

            I started out early yesterday morning working on a project that my favorite wife wanted done. Now this project required me to remove 19, 12-inch by 12-inch blocks from where they were located, and then locating them together in an area to place flower pots on. The work was not easy, as I would need to find the blocks, removed them from where they were located, and bring them to the location where they would be placed. Now the sun was shining and it was very hot outside. I started out with some shade from the car port but that did not last very long. Then I would wait for the sun to go behind a cloud and I would start working but when the sun came back, I would stop and get into the shade.

            The start work and then stop process went on for a while, when a friend came over and brought us some fresh vegetables from his garden. We discussed flowers for a while and then I got back to work. I got tired of the starting and stopping so I stopped and went into the house and cooled off. I decided to wait until 6:00pm, when there would be shade on the area that I would be working.

            About 5:00pm I went out and started working again and I finished about 6:00pm. Photo of the completed project withs some flowers placed on it.

            It doesn’t look like much work but it was. When I finished the work, I had to put all the tools away and then I watered the flowers in the pots in the new area and in the back 40. Then I was allowed to get a cold drink and sit down with my favorite wife outside, I did rest.

            Plans for today: I will attempt to do as little as possible, although I do need to put the generator away, and that in itself is work. There is one small project in the back 40 to replace items that were moved yesterday to get the blocks for the project. I need to drop by the bank to make a deposit, and I should get some gas in the Ford’s ole Chevy. 

            I guess that is all for now, we hope you all have a good day and please stay safe in all you do.


Senior ole person who was dirty and took a shower, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!


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