
Sunday, June 9, 2024

June 9, 2024

            Good Sunday morning to you, we have another warm and sunny day here in Hewitt, TX.

Yesterday’s events in chronological order: after posting my blog on Saturday morning I headed to the other Ford Homestead to feed and water the animals. They are all happy to see me when I have food. I returned home and we sat around for a while basically waiting on time to go to town for lunch. As usual, the lady was getting our order together as we entered the store. There was a fellow there who evidently needed to talk, not me but another talker. He made several comments then he asked how long we have been married and my favorite wife’s reply was, “55 years”. He then noted that he had been married, I think he said 30 years and his wife divorced him. He went on to say she got $320,000 in the divorce.

Lunch over, we headed for the Home store to get the $139.00 string trimmer. I found the trimmer and it was priced $169.00. I found and employee and explained that online it was $139.00 but here at the store it is $169.00. He checked the prices and said, tell them at check out and they will charge you the on-line price.

At check-out I explained the situation to the checker, and she went and talked with another checker, then she said it is $169.00 here at the store but if you order it on line, it is $139.00. I said so I need to go home, order the trimmer on line, drive back to the store and pick it up. I told her no thanks and we walked away with the trimmer laying at her station. 

We went to the cheap store where we purchased a pan and a tarp. I will use the tarp to cover the riding mower. Leaving the cheap store, we returned home to rest, and after the period of rest I decided to bring the trailer up close to the gate. Now the yard is dry so driving in the yard will not leave tracks. I want the trailer close enough to the gate that I can connect to it next Saturday without backing the pickup into the yard, just in case we get more rain this week.

There was some debris in the front yard, so I proceeded to pick it up. The grass is growing and the small pieces of leaves and little sticks take away from the smooth even look of the Ford’s yard. After the removal of the debris, I then watered the flowers in pots and filled the bird’s baths with water. 

It was now time to feed the animals so I drove over to Dave’s house. I not only feed the animals I also cleaned out part of the pig’s pin. They have two guinea pigs and they have a tendency to leave a lot of Poopa-Loopa in their pen. Cats, lizards, and pigs fed, I returned to the Ford’s Homestead.

My favorite wife and I did sit outside yesterday and there was a breeze for most of the time, but about 30 minutes before we went inside, I did turn the big fan on. As we sat outside it was said that the flowers in the pots in the back 40 needed to be watered, so I proceeded to finish my first adult beverage and then went to water the flowers. Task completed; I was allowed to have another beverage as I rested from all the exhausting watering.

I wanted to run the water sprinklers one minute in each section just to see if they are all working properly, but being old I forgot to do that. 

Now we are at the Sunday events: I did go the feed the animals and returning home I did cover the riding mower with the new tarp. I am not happy with the new tarp as it isn’t as heavy duty as the one, I usually get.

Tarp installed I tried to cool off and then got ready to go to the cracker store for breakfast. The food and service were good and upon completion of the meal my favorite wife suggested that we could go to the Wally store. At the Wally store we looked at string trimmers, they have mostly battery powered trimmers, but they do have a gas-powered trimmer for $118.00. It did not show on the box that it was an easy starting trimmer, and I do want one with the easy start. I will check to see what I can get on line and I will keep the one at Wally world in mind.

Back at home I rested for a while then started this posting. Maybe I will be able to remember to run the sprinklers later this evening, after the sun is mostly down.

            Well, I guess that is it for now, we hope you have a wonder filled Sunday, be thankful for all you have and as always, be safe in all you do.

Nothing to do.

Senior ole person who is thankful that he can still do some work, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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