
Tuesday, June 18, 2024

June 18, 2024

            The sun is up and shining, it seems like a good morning here at the Ford’s homestead, we hope it is a good morning for you too.

            I have a couple topics for the blog this morning, none of them will be exciting or interesting, so maybe you need to take the day off and not read this posting.

            I have an email problem, so the email I usually use is not working and I am not smart enough to fix it. So, I use the other email that is working, problem temporarily solved. 

            Now allow me to talk about pain. We all know that ole people have a lot of pain in their bodies, and yes, that includes me. Ok, let us get to my painful story. Yesterday, I was allowed to go out to the mail box, to see if we had any mail. I walked up to the mail box and opened it, I looked in, there was no mail, I closed it, turned, and started to the house when my left arm experienced severe pain.

            Now pain in the left arm can mean many things, even a heart attack, this pain was instantaneous. Now this pain was not in the entire arm, it was just an area between my elbow and wrist. What could be causing this pain. 

Also yesterday, I decided to get the gas out of the generator and put the generator back in storage. I was able to syphon some gas out and when I looked into the generator’s gas tank, there seemed to be just a little gas left in it. I decided to start the generator and let it run out of gas; I try to get all gas out which is not always easy. Gas left in, even in a small amount, can clog up carburetors and gas lines causing problems the next time you decide to use it.

I positioned the generator on the driveway and started it. I thought it would run for maybe 30 minutes, it ran for more than 2 hours and I had to shut it off. Obviously, there was much more gas than I thought in the generator. I will again today attempt to remove the gas.

I left the homestead yesterday, I needed to drop by the bank, get gas in the truck, purchase something from the cheap store, and while I was in town I thought I would stop at the adult beverage store and procure a bottle. All went well except the procurement of the bottle. It was about 10:15 in the morning when I drove around the adult beverage store, there was about 4 people standing outside, there was a car at the drive through window but the bars on the window were not opened, and the lady’s vehicle who works there, was not there, so the adult beverage store was not open. I saved a couple dollars by the store being closed.   

Today: As I noted earlier, my plan for today is to get the gas out of the generator. I also need to check and clean the air filters in the mowers.

What? You want to know if I went to the doctor yesterday, why would I go to the doctor? What? You want to know what happened with my arm pain, ok, thanks for asking about my pain, I guess I did not explain well enough. Ole people occasionally forget to enlighten the reading public, aka, tell the whole story.

Ok, I was walking away from the mail box when the sharp pain came to my left arm. I turned and looked at the mail box where I observed a wasp nest under the mail box. I had been stung by a wasp. I proceed to get the wasp and hornet spray and eradicated the wasps and nest. Now you have the whole story.

Well, I guess I need to get started and let you get back to doing something interesting. We hope you have a good day and please be safe in all you do.

Wasp killer.

Senior ole person who needs to, but don’t want to, Don the Ford


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