
Saturday, June 15, 2024

June 15, 2024

            Good Saturday morning to everyone, we hope this day will be filled with nice wonders. You do know a wonder can be a miracle, so maybe there will be a wonderful miracle for you!

            I will try to keep this posting short so you can get started on your miracle. On Friday morning I posted the blog posting and then went and feed the livestock at Dave’s house. Returning home I took a short break and then before starting to prepare to mow the back 40, I moved the trailer out of the back 40 and positioned it under the car port ready for today’s limb hall off. My pot hound Tres was in the house crying the entire time it took to move the trailer.

It takes as long to get prepare to mow, as it does to mow, and it takes as long to trim after mowing, as it does to mow. To explain; 30 minutes to get the back 40 ready, 30 minutes on the riding mower, and 30 minutes with the weed eater trimming the back 40. NO, my new string trimmer had not arrived, so I used the battery powered unit.

After the mowing expedition I had some leftovers for lunch and then took a shower. With my ole body cleaned; I was able to climb into the Ford’s ole recliner for a rest period. 

            Speaking of not arriving, it was early afternoon and neither of my items, the Bible study book, or my gas power string trimmer had arrived.

            Later in the afternoon I went to feed the animals, this was the last time for feeding the animals as Dave and the family returned home Friday night. 

            This morning, I don’t need to go feed the animals, but I have to go to the dump site with the limbs, there is no rest for the ole retired people.

            We did get to sit outside and enjoy the hot weather, along with a cold beverage. I did have the big fan running which provided a needed breeze. We had three friends come over and sit with us to discuss world problems. After resting outside with friends, drink in hand, I noticed Molly the cat, in the ole wooden rocker, photo to follow.

            As our conversations ended and friends went home, I decided to water the flowers in the pots out back. I had watered the potted flowers out front earlier, so it wasn’t too much work. I did wait to water the back flower pots until the sun was not directly shining on them.

            Later in the afternoon my new string trimmer arrived. While I was at Dave’s house feeding the animals, my bible study book arrived.

                        New bloom: this bloom is above the previous bloom that has faded away, but this one is facing up as if it wants some rainwater to fill it up. Now I know you don’t like my photos of blooms, yes, I heard you say that, but I like them, its my blog and you are not forced to look at the bloom, maybe you can look at the dog water bucket. 

            Well, I guess I should stop for now, this posting is a little longer than I had planned. We hope you have a good day and at least one miracle, while you are staying safe in all you do.

Provider of flowerpot water.

Senior ole person who has many titles, some are made up, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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