
Saturday, June 22, 2024

June 22, 2024

            I guess we made it through another week and I am still here irritating you daily with my posting. And now that I have started the irritation again, allow me to say, "GOOD MORNING"!

            We hope you had a good day yesterday; our day was very nice and we enjoyed time with friends. Yes, we do still have friends and we are thankful for our friends. You don't need to ask what we did yesterday, cause I am going to tell you anyway.

            I did get Dave home from work and he did get off on time, I then returned home to get my favorite wife, and we headed for the Salty restaurant (I don't like to give real names unless I am paid). We were supposed to meet at the restaurant at 12:00, we arrived at 11:52am, and there were two of the people there. Over the next 30 minutes three additional adults and one cute baby arrive and joined us at our table. Our conversations were lively and the food was good, our server did a very good job.

            Meal over, we left our friends and went to a store so my favorite wife could get a few grocery items. We made it back home safely and I basically did nothing the rest of the day until about 4:30pm. I then headed out of the house to the shaded area of the driveway with a cold drink in hand. Tres went outside with me and then my favorite wife joined us a few minutes later. It was about 5:00 when another friend came over and sat outside with us. We did not solve any world problems in our discussions, and we did not talk politics, too much.

            As we sat outside there was a fly that kept bothering me, it seemed to be after my ole gray hair. Now thinking about hair, I remembered when I was a young person about 100 years ago, I used a product known as "hair oil". We would put the oil on our hair and then comb it in the direction we wanted to. The hair with oil on it was not something you would want to run your hand through. Now I don't know if people still use hair oil or if they even make it any more, I guess they use hair spray now days.

            At about 6:00pm I decided to get up and mow the front yard. why did the Don wait until late afternoon when the temp was in the low 90s to mow the yard? Earlier in the day the Don had set the sprinklers system to start running twice a week, and Saturday morning is one of those days. As the Don sat outside talking about world problems, he started noticing that the front yard grass was tall and needed mowing. Tall grass can keep the sprinklers from spreading the water evenly so, he mowed the grass.

            Well, I have no big plans for today, we will likely go into town for our lunch sandwich, and probably stop by the adult beverage store for a bottle, if they are open, and probably go to the cheap store to see if there is anything cheap that we need. We will likely be sitting outside as usual this afternoon, if you want to come and sit with us, you would be welcome.

            Well, I will stop for now, we hope you have a pleasant day, that you are safe in all you do, and that everyone is as nice to you as you are to them.

No more hair oil. 😐

Senior ole person who still remembers the olden days but not yesterday, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!


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