
Sunday, May 5, 2024

May 5, 2024

            Should I say good morning to everyone, I guess it depends on how one defines good morning. I got up, I feel good, I checked the free rain gage, and it now has 5 inches of rainwater in it. We did get through the storms last night without any major problems, other than the rain which kept falling, so I will wish everyone a “good wet morning!”

            Yesterday was a normal Saturday for us, we did go to the sandwich shop and eat lunch, we did stop at the Donna’s friends store, her friend was out of town. We did go to the cheap store and the one thing I was going to look at was either sold out, or moved some place in the store which I did not see. The Donna did purchase a couple items for the yard, then we went to the grocery store. The parking lot was over full, but we were blessed as we got a parking space very close to the front door. The Donna went in and shopped, and I sat in the vehicle and watched too many people going in and coming out.

            Back at home I decided to work on my story, “Time Travel”. I had the paper copy open so I could read it and I had the copy on the computer turned on too. I have in the past stated that I learn best by seeing something or hearing about something. I do learn by reading but not as fast or as easy, so I had the computer reading it too me. The area that I thought might be incorrect, was, in my opinion, correct, and I did add a couple sentences to another part of the story. I did adjust the font up one size to make it easier to read without my glasses. I need to print the entire story with the larger font, I might do that today.

            Change of topics: the new tires and wheels for the riding mower are still in the garage, I did not bring the ole rider up to the car port yesterday, and with this additional rain last night, it may be several days before I get to work on the ole rider.

            I did however put my rubber boots on and go out to the back 40 to view the black berries. I did fine a few red berries and yes, I will share a photo, we will be saying ouch in the near future.

            Since it was too wet to sit on the Ford’s ole swing, we went to the front porch yesterday and sat there for a while. Yes, it did rain while we were sitting out there, but we did not get wet. It seems to me that every day I find the TV less interesting and quiet time, reading something interesting more enjoyable.

            I guess I will stop for now and wish you a good safe day.

5 inches of rain!

Senior ole person who don’t like to say ouch, but likes the berries, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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