
Friday, May 10, 2024

May 10, 2024

            I want to say good morning to one and all this morning, we hope everyone has a good day. My day yesterday was a little odd, and yet it was good, story to follow.

            Imagin if you will, waking up to a slight sound which at first may have sounded as if the dog Tres, was wheezing. So, you walk into the other room where the dog was, and he is ok. The sound was now louder and coming from another room. You walk into the kitchen and the sound is even louder, and it seems to be coming from the Ford’s ole office. The sound is rhythmic, it had perfect timing, and once I was in the ole office, I thought the sound was coming from the electric panel. Now I know there is nothing in an electric panel that will make sounds, but I opened it any way. The sound was continuous, I felt of the panel to see if it was warm, I looked at all the breakers to see if any were tripped and all was good.

            At this point I thought, maybe the sound was coming from the cabinet which is above my desk and next to the panel. There are several items from my ham radio days in the cabinet like walkie talkies and many other things. I searched through all those items, but the sound was not coming out of there, it still sounded like it was from the panel.

            Finally, I looked at the security camera controller that sits on my desk in front of the panel, and it was making the sound and flashing the 3 small lights on the front. I unplugged it and finally silence. I plugged it back in and the sound started again. And as one might guess, my security cameras that are attached to that controller do not work. Before that one person asks, I do have other cameras that are not connected to the controller, and they are still working.

I did get the instruction book that came with the controller in hopes that there would be some instructions as to what the sound would mean. The instruction book explained how to install and set up everything, but nothing about problems.  Yes, I have ordered a new controller. 

A different subject: my favorite wife and I did go out for breakfast, and it was good. We stopped at a store where my favorite wife purchased some peppermints, they are for the Dog. Then we went to the flower shop where she hoped to find a specific flower, but they did not have it, we did get another flower which will go into the front yard.

All that done, I went out back and prepared to mow the back 40. I removed debris, the garden hose and dog Poopa-Loopa. I then got the Fords ole rider out with the new wheels and tires and check the air in the tires, all was good. I decided to approach the mowing in a different rhythm yesterday, I used the ole riding mower and then I used the battery powered string trimmer. Actually, that process was better than my ole way of first mowing what I consider as difficult with the walk behind, then the rider, then the string trimmer. The back yard looked very nice at completion of the project.

My favorite wife and I did sit outside for a couple hours yesterday afternoon enjoying the weather before the storms came. When the storms came, we were lucky and only got some wind and rain. Yep, another ½ inch of rain in the back 40, and yes there is some standing water again.

This morning as I was preforming my usual duties I noticed a flower blooming. This flower, as I understand it, only blooms at night, and when the sun comes up the bloom leaves. I do have a photo.

            Well, I guess I will stop for now, we hope you have a safe day filled with all kinds of goodness, and maybe even a friend to talk with. 

Odd but good day.

Senior ole person who has too much to do today, so I will do nothing, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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