
Thursday, May 2, 2024

May 2, 2024

            I want to say good morning to all. We have had a night of storms and rain, and we hope everyone is ok. I did check my rain gage this morning, and overnight we received a little over 3 inches of rain. As usual, I have a photo of the back 40 with a little water standing in it, I am not sure if Tres knows how to swim. The water in the back 40 is about 3 inches deep, and it takes a while for it to drain off.

            We are supposed to get more rain today and for the next couple days.

            We went to the concert at school last night and it was good. Alex was sitting on the end, and I have a photo.

            Maybe I should have taken the photo when they were playing. There were three groups who played, and at the end they had all three groups (90 kids) play at the same time.

            Yesterday I did venture into town and purchased a couple rear tires for the riding mower. Now these tires come with a wheel, and are ready to be put on the mower, but it is too wet to get out back and get the riding mower. I also purchased an oil filter for the mower, and now I also need to change the oil. I will attempt to do all that work, if the ground ever dries up enough to walk on. I think I have some rubber boots, but they are out in the shed and that isn’t helping.

            I have another photo and it is of a couple birds that I have been seeing around the homestead for the last few days. I have a brochure about birds of Texas, and I did not find them in it. Do you know what these two birds are?

            Today, with all the water on the ground, I again have nothing to do. I just looked at one of the monitors and I see water running down our driveway. This water is coming from the neighbors back yard and part of that water is running into our back 40.

            Well, I guess that will be it for now, we hope you have a good day and please stay safe.

Rain, rain, don’t go away, just pause for a couple days, little Donnie wants to play.

Senior ole person who is a poet and don’t know it, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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