
Sunday, May 12, 2024

May 12, 2024

            I want to wish each of you a good day, and especially the mothers who might read this, “Happy Mother’s Day”. Now that I have said that, we are supposed to have a 100% chance of rain and storms today, wow how do we celebrate in the rain and storms?

            We here at the Fords homestead plan to go out to have lunch today, that means no cooking or clean up afterwards at the Ford’s homestead.

            What have I done this morning, before I started this soon to be review of our efforts from the previous day. This morning before starting this post, I watched a couple church programs on the TV, then I came to the Ford’s ole office and decided to attempt to uninstall the old, and then install the new. The main problem was getting each wire in the right place. There were 12 wires from power cord to security cameras connections. It took this ole person a while to remove and install, the good thing is, “it works”! I now have the security cameras back on and recording. I still need to read the instructions and this unit has a couple more features than the ole one had.

            Now lest see how yesterday went: we had planned on leaving the house about 10:45 and head into Waco. That did not happen, as we were waiting on a delivery of Flowers. So, I decide to leave my favorite wife here at the homestead while I went to get my prescription. On the way back home from the pharmacy I stopped and let the boy scouts (Alex’ troop) wash my ole pickup truck. When I got back home, we sat around for a little while and my favorite wife called the florists to see if they knew when the delivery would be, they did not know. We then decided to leave and the flower delivery person can come back later.

            We went out to the Fords ole Chevy and as we were getting in, the delivery person pulled up in front of the house. We got the flowers and they were pretty, then we headed into Waco. Arriving at the sandwich shop the lady said we were late; then she placed our order without asking what we wanted.

            After eating we went to the adult beverage store to get some booze. I pulled up the to drive through window and the lady cane to the window and without opening the window she held up two fingers and I nodded my head; she knew I wanted two bottles.  

Leaving the adult beverage store we headed for the cheap store looking for a dog lead, they only had them for medium sized dogs, and Tres is large. My favorite wife was able to purchase a couple flower pots and two bags of potting soil. We would like to plant a couple flowers today but I think it is too wet and stormy.

            Back at home my favorite wife went into the back 40 and began pulling weeds from the flower beds, I decided I should do something too so I picked up sticks, then I pulled weeds from the #1 berry bed. I cut some limbs that were hanging over the fence from the neighbor’s yard. then I cut some limbs from the pecan tree in the back 40, these limbs were getting too close to the electrical wire that powers our house. I also removed a limb from the pecan tree in the front yard as it was touching the house.

            I moved the benches that we sit on when we wash the dog to a dry area and pulled the hose out to the benches. I then began removing the weeds that my favorite wife had pulled from the flower bads, she left them in piles so I could get them picked up easily.

            Finally, she was finished pulling weeds and I was finished picking them up, we started the dog washing event. When the dog was washed, I suggested that my wife go take a shower as she had crawled all around those flower beds and her clothes were dirty.

            I then went and harvested the black berries from the three beds. That finished I fed the Dog. Then I got my adult beverage and went outside with the Tres to rest a little while. A few minutes later my favorite wife also came outside for some needed rest. After about an hour and a half resting, we decided to head inside for some more needed rest.

            Well, as one can see, another day for ole senior people who have nothing to do.

            We hope your Mother’s Day is enjoyable and please be nice to all mothers, while you are trying to be safe in all you do.

Happy Mother’s Day.

Senior person who hopes it stops raining so we can go out for lunch, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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