
Thursday, May 23, 2024

May 23, 2024

            We made it through the storm filled evening and we wish you a Good Morning. The predicted storms came a little after my favorite wife and I had come into the homestead from our evening rest and review time in the very hot and humid weather. As we sat out there, we thought we could hear some thunder off in the distance, but the big fan was running, and it made a lot of noise.

            Back in the house we had a nice supper before the storms hit. As the wind picked up and the rain started to fall, we were watching the local news as they were showing the weather man, and he was showing all the storms and warnings. At some point the power went off on both sides of the street. We got the flashlights out and sat around listening to the wind and heavy rain.

            After some time without power, I decided to get the gas from the shed and prepare the generator to power up the refrigerator and deep freeze. It is not an easy task to get to the generator as I have a protective shelf built to cover it and we store a lot of junk; I mean stuff on the shelf. The garage door had to be manually opened since the power was off and after some effort and adding gas, I was able to get the generator ready to start. That was when the power came back on, I should have waited a little longer. I did not put things away and I will need to do that today. We have more storms predicted for today. I did review the free rain gage last evening and it had 3.25 inches of water in it.

            Story from the past: in the olden days my favorite wife and I lived in a mobile home we had purchased in Scott City, MO. Now our son Patrick was a baby, so we are talking about 50 years ago when this story developed.

            It was evening, there was storms predicted which turned into a tornado. The storm was so severe with wind and rain that we could not get out of the trailer and to the car to drive to safety. We were standing at the door with Patrick wrapped in a blanket in Donna’s arms, and I said, “if the rain and wind lets down, we need to get to the car”. We waited at the door and then the wind let down and we could hear the sound of the tornado. They say it sounds like a train, it does but much louder than any train I had ever herd. We quickly got into the car and headed out to Donna’s Mom’s house, and the wind picked up again.

This tornado came within two blocks of our Mobil home, it killed a few people, it turned over a train car, and caused a lot of damage, it was bad.

            Happier topic: I have a couple photos that my favorite wife suggested I take, and yes, they are of flowers blooming.

                Well, I guess I will stop entering data and start putting things back from last night. We hope you have a good day and please stay safe in all you do.

More storms?

Senior person who is tired of storms, but thankful that we are ok, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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