
Friday, May 3, 2024

May 3, 2024

            We want to wish you a good morning, we hope you all made it through the crazy storms and rain last night. We received another ½ inch of rain last night, our free rain gage is getting full. The storm was filled with close lightning and very loud thunder. That is a real problem for Tres. When it is thundering Tres wants to be close to his human, and when we are in bed he wants to be more or less on top of us. Tres was very upset during the entire storm, and we did not get any sleep until the thunder stopped.

            I was hoping it would not rain last night, I wanted to bring the riding mower to the car port so I could change the oil and put the new tires on. The car port is close enough to the tools and jack that are located in the garage that the work could be done almost in an efficient manner. Now that we have additional rain, and more predicted, I am not sure when or if I will be able to start the project.

            What did the Don and the Donna do yesterday, not a lot of anything. I was doing some reprinting of my story about, "The Beginning", this time I have printed on both sides of the paper. During this process I came onto a couple other stories I had written in the past and I have started reading the one about "Time Travel". I find it very interesting that I came up with a couple theory's that are in the story, and they even make since to me. I have only read a few pages and I hope to read more today.

I did as usual get the kids from school and afterwords the Donna and I went out for supper at the restaurant. We some how got the same table as last time and next to our table was the same couple as last time, it was kind of like having friends next to us, even though we do not know their names. Arriving back at home the Don and the Donna did sit outside and enjoy the quiet evening until I knocked over the little table that was sitting next to me. I had just put my drink on the little table when I knocked it over and spilled my drink. Yes, I was unreasonably upset as I had just refilled the drink.

Different topic: the birds I had in the photo, which I do not know what kind of bird they are, have built a nest in the car port. I had walked out to put some trash in the container when the little red bird began flying around me. I didn't know why he was agitated, until I looked up and saw the nest. The baby birds that were in the nest on the front porch seemed to have left the bird house. Usually, I would hear them making noise wanting more food from their parents. Yesterday as I sat out there, I heard nothing. This morning, I heard what sounded like the calling for food but the sound was coming from a tree. I guess they know how to fly and are still expecting the parents to provide food.

Well, I guess I will stop for now, we hope all is good at your house and we hope everyone has a good day. As always, pleas stay safe in all you do.

Lots of rain. 😐

Senior ole person who gets to read more ole stories today, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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