
Friday, September 20, 2024

September 20, 2024

            Good morning to you and that other person too; and it is a good morning for me also. Today is Friday, two days before Fall officially starts, even though it will not feel like it. This morning, I get to go pickup Alex for school about one hour earlier than usual. Alex will be finishing a test this morning, that he did not finish Wednesday, which he did not complete due to leaving early for the football game. School starts at 8:25am I need to have him there at 7:30am.

            Well, the Don did work some yesterday and he was able to accomplish the tasks at hand.

First, the Don got his tools out and prepared for the work in his outside workshop. I have a photo for your enlightenment. In the photo one can see the small work bench, the small seat for the Don, the small tiller that was ready to be worked on, the small air compressor, and the water cup in the Ford’s ole wagon. You can’t see it but the power for the compressor is being furnished by the power inverter in the shed, which is powered by a 12-volt battery, which is powered by a solar panel. If we were real people with a regular income, we might be able to have a normal shop with normal sized tools and work bench, but being on a fixed income, we can’t have all the nice things you real people have.

            At least I was mostly in the shade during this work session.

I did get the small tiller out and remove the gas from it and I cleaned it up some and I got the unused string trimmer and removed the gas from it. The work wasn’t that difficult, but I was sweating due to the very hot temperatures.

That work completed I watered the plants in pots and the #2 berry bed. The other berry beds were in the direct sun, and I try not to work in the direct sun. 

After all the tools were put away, I went into the house and cooled off for a while. After the cooling session, I cleaned up some and prepared to go out for date night, aka supper. The food was good and the service was very good. Back at home we did sit outside for a while.

Plans for today: go out to my ole workplace and pick up an item I ordered and do little or nothing the rest of the day. I do plan to have the yard man Alex over Saturday to do some mowing.

Well, you now know all about me and my plans. We hope you have a good day and are able to complete all your plans in a safe and productive manner.

Outside workshop.

Senior ole person who needs to get going and get Alex, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Thursday, September 19, 2024

September 19, 2024

            Good morning to all, we hope your day is starting off well.

Today is Thursday, and since Alex played football yesterday, my favorite wife and I might get to go out for date night, aka supper, tonight.

I don’t think I did much of anything yesterday, I did go out to the front yard and consider how I would attempt to remove the acorns this year. I tried the roller for a minute and decided the grass is too thick to use the roller. I will likely use a rake and that will allow me to move a lot of the acorns into piles or to the street where I can more easily pick them up.

On another non interesting topic, I got another chigger so I have put clear fingernail polish on it. I guess the fingernail polish works and gets rid of the chigger, but dry fingernail polish on your body does not feel good.  

 We sat outside yesterday afternoon and friends from across the street came over to sit with us. We learned about their trip to Ohio and Niagara Falls and other places they went too. It is always good to have friends to drop by and visit. 

I need to keep my eye on the clock as I will need to leave in a few minutes and get Alex to school, hopefully on time and safe. I will be interested to learn how the game went yesterday. I guess I should head over to the other Ford’s homestead and get Alex now…

I made it back: Alex said they lost their game 0 to 6, and he got home at 10:00pm. He said a teacher asked him to come in early today and finish a test that he started yesterday, he had to leave early for the trip to the game yesterday, and did not complete the test yesterday. He said he had forgot about needing to be there early until about 10:00pm last night and he knew I was in bed, so he did not call me. I told him, in the future call me I wake up easily and go back to sleep fairly fast.

I did get a cup of real coffee after dropping Alex off at school this morning. The coffee was free and since my doctor suggested I stop drinking coffee, I only drank half of the cup.

I have a couple things I should attempt to do today, but as usual I might be distracted and just take a nap or two. We hope your day is fun, or at least interesting, or maybe not boring, and that you and I stay safe in all we do.

Thank You for reading this.

Senior ole person who don’t need a rest, but will take one anyway, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

September 18, 2024

            Good morning, did you see the full moon, it is a little closer to the earth and it looks very large.

            Tres and I went out front as usual this morning about 6:30am, were we talked with a neighbor from across the street. Our neighbor was carrying out some recycle items and was going to move the recycle bin to the curb when he remembered that it was not recycle day. He and I did talk across the street to each other, he asked if I knew the light over the garage door was out, I said I did, and I need to get a new bulb.

We have good neighbors up and down the street, but we do not get to talk with our neighbors very often. I think we probably don’t want to be seen as a bother, so we don’t call our go to their house.

            What events happened yesterday: sitting around in the homestead doing nothing but watching the TV, got to be very boring. Yesterday I went out back and decided to remove any dead stuff from the black berries thinking, I had done this before so there should not be much to remove. I also wanted to stay out of the sun as I worked. Well, I got started and found there were more dead items than I had thought. It took a while but I got all that I could see, and I also removed two sun flower plants that had been growing in one of the beds.

            During the process I had observed some deposits of Poopa-Loopa in the yard so I decided to attempt to remove it. As I worked on the Poopa-Loopa I noticed a few sticks in the yard from the recent heavy winds, so I removed them. 

            I have had a problem with a lock so I decided to replace it with another lock that has been locked onto the chain link fence for a few years. I found it interesting that I could remember where that lock was since I have not used it for years. I unlocked it and took it to the shed where I decided to put some oil on it to help it work. During the oiling process I thought, why not try some oil on the other lock that I was having problems with. Adding oil to both locks allowed them to work much better, so the lock that had not been working easily, is now working easily, so it got to stay in service. I think the other lock is now on the bench in the shed.

The other day during the short wind storm and rain, a big flower secured to a heavy wooden homemade stool turned over. I think the heavy flower and stool had been leaning some, which made it easier for the wind to blow it over. I need to work on that today. The wind also blew over a flower pot on the driveway too. We were thankful for the rain but not so much for the wind.

            Today’s events: Alex’s football game is moved up from Thursday to today. This is an away game near Dallas and we will not be going. We like going to his games but that is a long way for an ole person to drive for a game.

            I need to get the gas out of the tiller and the bent shaft weed eater, as they will not be used for a while. I don’t like to leave gas in a motor for too long as it can clog things up. I need to try and determine how I want to approach the acorns in the grass this year, in other words, “how to get them out of the grass.” Maybe I can con the grandkids to remove the acorns.

            Well, I need to get out of here and head to Alex’s house and get him to school on time and safe. We hope you have a very good day and stay safe in all you do.

Berry bush butcher.

Senior ole person who don’t work enough and then works too much, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

September 17, 2024

            I think it is a good morning, it was still dark when the Tres and I went outside at 6:00am, so I will wish you a good morning and hope the rest of the readers who do not get up early, have a good day.

            We did almost nothing yesterday which made the day seem very long. We did go to the post office with a package that they delivered on Saturday which did not have our address on it. It did have another address on it. The post office people looked at it and said it was address to us, even though we could not see the address. We asked who it was from, but there was no answer. We told them we were not opening anything that we did not know who it came from. They said they would return it to UPS if we wanted them to. We said they can send it back to whoever sent it, we don’t know what it is, and we are not opening it.

            We did go to the pet store and get some shampoo for the dog, it is supposed to help with flees, and we did give him a bath. I did go to the bible study last night and that was interesting.

            That is all for now, have a good and interesting day, and stay safe in all you do.

Hot day coming.

Senior ole person who needs to go get Alex for school, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Monday, September 16, 2024

September 16, 2024

            We would like to wish everyone a very good morning. Did you notice that I added the word “very”, to the good morning? What, you didn’t notice, then you do not need to know why it is a very good morning.

            Tres and I went out front this morning as usual to review the front yard when we noticed our neighbor across the street from us putting his trash can out, yep, it is trash day. We wished him a good morning, and he responded with it is a good morning. He noted that we got ¾ inch of rain yesterday, in the surprise rain. I said I had not checked my rain gage yet.

¾ inch of rain in the free rain gage makes it a very good morning.

I did get a photo of a rabbit in the street before the sun came up.

            I didn’t say it was a good photo.

Yesterday’s report: we did very little. We did go to the cracker store for breakfast. The food and service were good. We stopped at Wally world as my favorite wife wanted to get some batteries for her CD player. Battery bought we headed for home. Back at home I rested for a while when my wife discovered that the CD player did not use “D” batteries, it used “C” batteries. Darn it we would need to go to the store again.

This time we went to the HEB and found a parking space not too far from the door. My favorite wife went in and left me sitting in the Ford’s ole Chevy all alone while she shopped. She was able to get the “C” batteries, and we returned home, where I again reclined in the Fords ole worn out recliner attempting to sleep.

After the short nap I felt like I needed to do something other than sit there so I decided to do my daily bible reading. It was very hot outside, but I decided to go out on the front porch and read. I did take the battery powered fan and sat it up so it would blow on me, I put it in low and it felt like I was sitting in front of and electric heater blowing the heat on me. I changed the speed to high and that help some, at least I was able to endure the heat with the fan on high. I did get my daily reading completed.

Later in the day my favorite wife and I went outside to sit, even though it was very hot. we had the big fan on and that helped, as there was little breeze. We sat outside as usual for about 1.5 hours, and during that “time out period”, there were clouds that came and went. I have a photo of my wife while we were sitting outside.

            You may have noticed she was not paying any attention to me; she was looking at the phone. Did you see she has two sets of glasses on.

I checked the weather bug on the phone and there was rain in the area, but it was going around us. When it was time for us to go in, I checked the weather again and it showed rain coming. We put things away and went into the house. It was just a few minutes later when it started to rain, and as you know, we got a very good rain, “3/4” inch.

I guess that is it for now, I need to go get Alex and take him to school. We hope you have a good day and please stay safe in all you do.

¾ inch of rain, very good!

Senior ole person who got Alex to school safe and on time, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Sunday, September 15, 2024

September 15, 2024

            We made it to Sunday, and I believe it is going to be a sunny day, so we wish you a good morning.

Yesterday was a normal day, we did the normal things. We went to the HEB in Waco close to the interstate and my favorite wife purchased some KT tape, which she was having trouble finding in other stores. (Yes, I called it HT tape in the previous posting.) We did go to the cheap store, and we purchased a couple items. We did sit outside yesterday afternoon even though it was hot. We quickly noticed that there was no air movement, that means there was not a breeze blowing at all. The leaves on the trees were not moving, it was dead air. We did have the big fan on and that helped by moving some air.

My favorite wife played a couple CDs as we sat outside, the music was music that reminded me of church music from the olden days. It brought back a lot of ole memories.

What are the plans for the Fords today: not much. We might go for breakfast this morning and hope to get there early enough to not need to wait in line to be seated. I also need to get outside and water the flowers that are in pots.

            I have a couple photos with one question.

            The first photo shows how much help I get when composing these postings, that is our cat Molly laying on the desk, and she wants to be petted all the time. The second photo is of the big fan, and it was running yesterday providing air for us as we sat outside. The question is, “why can we see through the fan as if there are no blades, and why doesn’t the fan appear to have a solid circle and we not be able to see through it?” At what speed would it need to be moving to appear to be a solid circle instead of fan blades.

            Ok, I will stop for now and go water the flowers in pots. We hope everyone has a good day and that everyone stays safe in all they do.

Lazy cat helper.

Senior ole person who gets little help in anything he does, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Saturday, September 14, 2024

September 14, 2024

            Good morning to one and all, yes even you, we hope all have a good Saturday and a good morning. We did nothing yesterday. I did finish watering the flower pots that did not get watered yesterday afternoon due to the Football game.

            I did follow my favorite wife suggestion to tighten all the bolts on the swing. All but two needed to be tightened and the two that did not need tightening had lock nuts on them. I did get on the ground several times to get to the bolts, and now I have chiggers. Fingernail polish applied; I hope that takes care of it.

Completing that work, I went to the shed an got a ladder which I brought to the driveway. The light over the driveway has not been working properly, I put the ladder up by the light which is about 12 feet above the drive. I climbed the ladder and replaced the PE control. Pe control in my hand I climbed down.

I re-climbed the ladder and removed the light bulb. I decided to take a photo of the info on the bulb so I climbed down, and took the photo.

I then climbed the ladder again to replace the bulb and it broke, with the glass in my hand and the base in the light. I then climbed down again and got a pair of pliers to remove the base from the light.

I climbed the ladder again and removed the base from the light. Then I took the ladder back to the shed and I decided that I would not climb back up to the light again. I will ask Dave or Alex to climb back up the ladder and replace the bulb, when I get one. I am 77 years old and I do not need to be on a ladder that high.

We went outside to sit, and our friend came over, and this time she brough her bible. We had some lively discussions about Revelations, she gave me her thoughts and I gave her mine. I think we agreed toward the end of the discussion.

Well, I don’t have any big plans for today, we will likely follow our usual schedule and go into Waco for lunch, stop at the cheap store and see if we need anything, and we might go to a store and see if we can get some HT tape. My wife has been having trouble finding it, I assume they are out do to all the schools and the athletics. HT tape is for pain and athletes who have strains and other pain, they put the tape on and it relieves the pain. It works on non-athletes too.

I have a photo taken this morning when Tres and I ventured into the front yard.

           The photo shows a bright, soon to be sunny morning. We hope everyone has a good Saturday and that we all stay safe in all we do.

Clouds be bright.

Senior ole person who needs a break from the computer, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Friday, September 13, 2024

September 13, 2024

            It is Friday the 13th, we hope that does not take away from you and I having a good morning.

Plans for today: get Alex and Gabi to school on time and safe. Back at home I might check and tighten all the bolts in the swing that we use when sitting outside.

I might get on the ole ladder and replace the PE control, that turns the light over the driveway on and off, and while I am up there see what size bulb is in the light. It is blinking so it could be the bulb or control.

I also need to finish watering the potted plants, I was watering them yesterday when my favorite wife informed me it was 4:20, and we need to get ready for the Football game, so I did not get done watering.

A few minutes ago, I looked at the clock that is on the shelf above my computer and it showed 7:15, that meant I have 15 minutes before heading over to get the kids for school. Then I looked at the Alexa that sits on my desk, and it indicated 7:35am. Surprised I grabbed my phone and looked at it and it was 7:35, I was late. I called Alex and headed for their home. I did get them to school on time and safe. (The clock on the shelf needs a battery, or is it, Friday the 13th.)

Yesterday’s events: The freshmen game ended with a score of 14 to 8, Midway won. Alex was on the offensive line in the third quarter when midway made their first touchdown for the year. After the game we went to a local restaurant to get a late supper, we drove around the parking lot looking for a spot close to the door, we found none, after a couple times around the lot we decided to head for home. At home we sat outside enjoying each other’s company.

The neighbor’s grand kids were outside, the girl who is maybe 8 years old was trying to learn how to ride her bike. Her little brother who might be 4 years ole has a bike and it had training wheels. I went over to ask their grandmother a question as to how her husband’s bumper got damaged, when the little boy came running to me and gave me a big hug. There is nothing better than an unexpected hug.

I have a flower blooming photo, for my enjoyment.

            I thought the single yellow bloom against all the large green leaves made a good photo.

The rest of my evening was spent in bed sleeping.

Well, I guess I will stop for now. We hope you have a good day and that everyone stays safe in all we do.

Friday the 13th.

Senior ole person who has a couple things to do, will he do them? Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Thursday, September 12, 2024

September 12, 2024

            Good morning to me and you, we should all have a good morning. My dog woke me up a half hour early this morning. When he wants to go out, I usually let him out. Sometimes he needs to go, other times he wants to check the back 40 out for something he may have heard.

            Plans for the day: after taking the Alex to school I will be allowed to go to the dermatologists, aka skin doctor. This time it is for them to look at my back to see how well it has healed after the surgery six weeks ago. I should just call them and say it is fine.

            Today is Football Day, the freshmen games will be this afternoon. To get tickets we can get them on line or we can get them at the game but they will not take cash, you must have a credit card.

Going to the game means, that my favorite wife and I will probably not get to go out for supper, aka date night, so I might ask her if she would like to go out for breakfast this morning. If we go out for breakfast, I will need to go to the teller machine for our weekly stipend, and I have some shirts that need to go to the cleaners, and I could do all that on the way to breakfast.

            Yesterday's events: I woke up with some vertigo, I was able to clear my head with some head movements the doctor had given me several years ago. I ask my favorite wife to ride with me to see what route I take, just in case one day I was unable to take Alex to school, then she could go get him.

We were surprised when we went to pick up Alex and we learned that we were also getting Gabi. She usually rides to school with her boyfriend but he was unable to get her yesterday. We did get them to school on time and safe.

Back at home I did very little, aka took a nap, then I woke up and read from the bible. I like to take a nap before reading, if I don't take the nap before reading, I have a tendency to get sleepy while reading.

After reading I had a light lunch as I was waiting on my favorite wife to get home from grocery shopping. We unloaded the groceries and then watch TV for a while. I then decided to work on my bible study home work.

We were able to sit outside on the quite afternoon yesterday, there was almost no traffic on our street. Well, I guess that is it for today, we hope all is well with you and your family, and as always, "Be safe in all you do".

Doctor visit. 😐

Senior ole person who could enjoy a breakfast, Don the Ford 

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

September 11, 2024

            Good morning to you, and to the others too. We hope your day is starting off well.

            This wasn’t a good day 23 years ago as the 911 attacks happened. I was in New York State, not New York City, that day and it was a terrible day. I have many memories of that day and the following week.

            Let’s get back to today: As usual, I have started this posting before going to get the Alex to take him to school, Gabi will be riding with us to school today. His allergies have been bothering him and he and Gabi had an appointment with the doctor yesterday. I don’t think the allergies help when he is practicing football. We did get Alex and his sister Gabi and take them to school this morning.

            What happened yesterday: I was able to talk my favorite wife into going in to Waco yesterday for a quick lunch. We went to the Deli and we should have gone to the usual sandwich place. We got a sandwich which we shared, I got a cup of soup, she got a salad and two small drinks, the price was way too high for two old people on a fixed income.

            I did get the front yard mowed; I mean manicured yesterday, and it looks fairly good. The acorns are starting to fall again, I wish they would somehow fall out into the street, it would be easier to get rid of them.

            We did not do a lot more than that, I did attempt to get to work on the bible study but did not get too far into it. We did as usual sit outside for a while, it was hotter yesterday that it has been for a few days.

            I guess I will stop for now, we hope you have a very good day, and please stay safe in all you do.

Chauffeur Don.

Senior ole person who is happy when he can do anything, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

September 10, 2024

We would like to wish you a Good Morning or good afternoon which ever it is.          

Did the Don do anything yesterday other then take a nap: the Don did dig a hole for a flower in the flower bed. Now I should explain a little, there was no flower to plant in the hole that I dug, so why did the Don dig the hole, should have been the question that no one asked. I will continue attempting to explain the situation. My favorite wife had a flower that dies out, but the roots were still in the flowerpot, and there was a green color to one of the roots that could be seen, so she wanted the roots planted, to give them a second chance. I planted the roots.

I did also water the third black berry bed yesterday, if you remember, I had not watered it when I watered the other berry beds the day before, due to the fact that the sun was shining brightly on the bed.

I helped with some additional items that My favorite wife was again working on in the garage. She again put in several hours sorting, packing and making a pile to be tossed out. I helped with the tossed-out items; I was not tossed out!

I must stop for now; I will start again after returning from dropping Alex off at school. OK, I am back…

            I did go to the Bible study yesterday evening and the group was very large, they said there was 200 men there. I was able to find my group and get my new ID, our group had 15 attending yesterday evening, I think there was 2 or 3 in our group who were unable to attend. It was good to see people I had met last year. Now I need to start doing my homework again.

We did not get to sit outside yesterday due to me going to bible study.

Today's possible events: I do hope to get to mowing the front yard this afternoon. Why this afternoon someone should have asked. The lawn sprinklers ran this morning, so the grass is wet, and I do not like to mow wet grass. Also, it will be shady in the front yard after lunch, and I like to work in the shade.

Different subject: Alex plays the violin in the school orchestra, and I often refer to the violin as a fettle. My favorite wife found an item when going through things in the garage and I have a photo.

            I told Alex this morning I had gotten him a fettle, and I gave it to him. He liked it and now he has a violin and a fettle.

            Speaking of Alex, I have another photo showing his military style haircut.

            Well, I guess that is about it for now, we hope you have a good day, and we all stay safe in all we do.

ROTC haircut

Senior ole person who needs to do something, anything is better then nothing, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Monday, September 9, 2024

September 9, 2024

            The sun isn’t up yet but it is still a good morning. We hope your day will start off productively.

            Yesterday’s events: I did almost nothing, while my wife did work in the garage for several hours straightening up some of her items. She went through some items that she wanted to get rid of, and I helped at the end to clean up the throw away stuff. I did water the potted plants and two of the berry beds, the third bed was in the direct sun so it did not get watered, but I will attempt to water it today. A not so good photo of some flowers that are blooming.

            I did install the solar powered motion detecting light, it works, and it is bright. We did go out for lunch at the cracker store and that was good. We did get to sit outside yesterday afternoon as the weather was nice and there was a nice breeze.

            Today’s events: I need to get Alex to school safely and on time, do very little until this evening when we start Bible study again. Our bible study is made up of a large group of men and they divide the men up into groups of 15 to 20. Half of the bible study is in our groups and half is in a lecture with everyone there.

It is cool outside this morning “52” degrees. Tres goes out back every morning while I watch the so-called news. I noticed this morning he was laying on his bed instead of the cement floor. I guess the cement was too cold for him.

            I wish I had more to share but I don’t, we hope you have a good day and please stay safe in all you do.

Cool weather nice.

Senior ole retired person who needs to get going to get Alex, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Sunday, September 8, 2024

September 8, 2024

            It is a good Sunday morning, the pot hound Tres and I have ventured out to the front yard early this morning, and it was cool outside. It was 59 degrees and it felt very good, so we wish you all a cool good morning.

            Review of yesterday’s events: I will attempt to provide this information in a chronological order, for that one person, in other words, what happen first, second and so on.

            I finished reading from the bible about 10:30am so my favorite wife suggested we leave early. We were going to go to the Wally World pharmacy and see if we could get the Flu shot and the new covid shot. They took our info and we had to fill out a form then they gave us the shots. Yes, we got both shots, one in each arm. The lady who gave us the shots said they had received 100 of the covid shots, so we were glad we went there early.

            Shot in both arms, we headed into Waco for the lunch sandwich. I paid the lady with the exact change, she seemed to appreciate that. Lunch was good then we headed to the cheap store.

            We both looked around trying to see if there was anything we needed, or just wanted. My favorite wife found a box of decaf coffee, as I had drank the last one that morning. I don’t know why I drink the decaf coffee; it doesn’t do anything for me. We looked around and I did not find anything I could not do without. My favorite wife found a solar powered light that can be used as a motion detecting device, it is really bright, or it can come on ant night and go off in the day light. We tested it last night and we will install it as a motion detecting device. 

            Shopping over we headed for home where I played with the new light for a while then I took a well-deserved nap.

             Nap over I went to the back 40, as my favorite wife had suggested that the back 40 needed to be mowed.

Prep for mowing: Now I had removed sticks from the back 40 the day before, but with all the wind we have been having, there were more that I had to remove. Then I removed the Poopa-Loopa and rolled the water hose up. I then checked the air in the riding mowers tires and added air where needed. I checked the oil and added gas.

Mowing the back 40: I was then able to get on the mower and begin riding back and forth until the grass was mowed down.

Weed eating the back 40: I then got the four-cycle trimmer and began the trimming. This trimmer works well but if you turn it the wrong way it can burn your arm. Other than that it is a good trimmer.

I have learned that it takes about one third of my time to do each of the above categories when working in the back 40.

My old body tired, I set up for the washing of the pot hound Tres. For some reason he tried to avoid us but we finally got him washed and rinsed.

We then headed for the house where I made and adult drink and headed for the chair on the drive way, while my favorite wife headed for the swing. It was a nice afternoon once the work was completed.

Well, I guess I should stop and get ready to go to the cracker store for lunch, we hope you have a good day, and please stay safe in all you do.

Worked too hard.

Senior ole retired person who can still do some work, but not a lot, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Saturday, September 7, 2024

September 7, 2024

            Tres and I went out front about 7:15 for our morning review of the yard, when we saw a lady with a couple kids walking down the street. Tres suggested that we go inside and let the lady and kids enjoy their early morning walk. That is how our morning started, we hope you have a good morning

            Yesterday in review: my favorite wife went to town as usual and purchased a couple more fall decorations for the yard. I stayed at home doing very little. I did carry the 5-gallon gas can out to the shed and I put some stabilizer in the gas, by the way, the 5 gallon can, only has 4 gallons of gas in it.

While in the back 40 I noticed a few sticks on the ground so I decided to remove as many as I could. Last week I had tossed a few larger sticks on the Ford’s ole Trailer, so I decided to break them up and put them in the trash container. All the sticks picked up, I should have removed the Poopa-Loopa but I went to the front yard instead and played, “Pickup Sticks”. I didn’t really play pickup sticks; I did pick up sticks from the front yard.

We did sit outside yesterday afternoon, and as usual on Friday a friend came over and sit with us. There were lively conversations about the olden days and there was some Bible discussion too.

Today is Saturday and we will likely do our usual Saturday things, lunch, cheap store. We have discussed seeing if we can get a flu shot and the new covid shot at the pharmacy today. We also need to wash the dog this afternoon, wow, no rest for the ole people.

We hope you have a good day and that everyone stays safe in all we do. Please try to be nice to, “you know who!

Dog washer Don.

Senior ole retired person who may remove the Poopa-Loopa today, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Friday, September 6, 2024

September 6, 2024

            We think we have a good start to this good morning, but the sun isn’t up as I start writing this informative post. I will say good morning to you, but not to the others, they may not deserve a good morning.  

Yesterday’s football game: it started at 5:00 and at 5:30 we were told to leave the stands due to lightning in the area. They said we could return in 30 minutes, go to a safe place. Most of us went to our vehicles an sat there for about 20 minutes before it started raining. Now this was a very hard rain. I thought that the seats would all be wet if they were to continue the game, so after a while my favorite wife and I decided to head for home. We learned later that the game was not continued. 

When we arrived at home it was still pouring down rain. A little while later I went out to the free rain gage and it had over ¼ inch of rain in it. That was a nice short hard rain.

Our sitting outside yesterday afternoon was done at the football stadium, and the only cold drink we had was a bottle of water. I did have some nachos at the beginning of the game. Well, the only other work I did yesterday other than get Alex to school on time and safe, was to remove the old tag and put the new tag on the Ford’s ole Van. Wow, what a dull and boring day.

Wait a minute, I did do my daily reading of the bible and I also finished reading Revelations again. I have read Revelations a few times, and a couple books about revelations. We will be studying Revelations in our bible study group starting next Monday.

I need to leave and get Alex to school… I am back and resuming my informative stories.

Pillow talk: is not the topic of this next paragraph, but I will enlighten the reading public of my use of pillows. First allow me to say I do have a couple pillows on my side of the bed and when I flop on my back on the bed, I have two pillows under my back and head. They are there so I can see the TV. If I find something interesting to watch the two pillows continue to support my neck and head.

All too often I find nothing to watch so I remove the top pillow, which is the largest of the two pillows, and I relax on the one pillow for a minute or two. I have for a long time now began to remove all pillows from under my neck and head and lay flat on my back on the bed to relax my body and let everything line up. In other words, my neck isn’t bent up, it is level with my body.

Why did I tell you all that, cause I wanted to, and to inform you that I am cooler without the pillow and sometimes I sleep on my side without a pillow. Ole Don the Ford be odd!

Plans for today, I have none!

Ok, I will attempt to stop for now, we hope you have a good day, and please be nice to at least one person, while you are staying safe in all you do.

Not Pillow talk.

Senior ole person who could do something today, but may not, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Thursday, September 5, 2024

September 5, 2024

            I think it will be a good morning, even though it is still dark outside. My pot hound Tres and I go out the front door each morning to allow him to research the front yard. This all started when we use to get a newspaper. Tres and I would go out, he would check the front yard out and when it was time to go back inside, he would get the newspaper and bring it into the house and place it on, or at, My favorite wife’s chair. We no longer get a newspaper but we still go outside each morning.

            This morning Molly the cat came to me as usual when we go outside, wanting to get her back rubbed. After some rubbing, she often goes across the street to the neighbor’s yard. This morning after she had crossed the street Tres began to look down the street, which caught my attention so I looked down the street. Since it was still dark, I reached for my flash light and that is when we see a cat coming up the street quickly, we assumed to fight with Molly. The light seemed to distract the other cat, and Tres was also a distraction to the cat. Well, molly came home and the other cat went back down the street. 

            Yesterday in review: after our morning breakfast with Dave, we returned home where I did little until about noon. I then decided to go into Waco and get the tag for the wife’s van. I also got gas for the truck and in the gas can for the mowers, and I purchased some stabilizer for the gas in the can. Back home I watched the TV about the killing at the school. Why would a 14-year-old boy do something like that, and how did he get the gun?

            My favorite wife and I did sit outside yesterday afternoon, the weather was good and there was a good breeze. I had leftovers for supper last night and I could not find anything on TV that I wanted to watch.

            Plans for today: do nothing after taking Alex to school, and then go to the freshmen football game at 5:00pm. They are predicting rain about that time so we might get wet at the game. Speaking of the game, we have to pay $4.00 each for tickets to get in to see the game, and we buy them on line, which adds about $2.50 as a service charge. I will see if we can buy them at the stadium and save the service charge. 

            Well, I guess I should stop for now, we hope you have a good day, and as always, please stay safe in all you do.

Freshman football.

Senior ole person who is going to the game but not out to supper, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

September 4, 2024

            Good morning to you and to that other person too. We hope your day is off to a good start.

Some of yesterday events: I went to get the oil changed and an inspection for the Ford’s ole van yesterday morning, and they could change the oil but not the inspection, as the person who did the inspection had the day off. I said I wanted to do them both so I would come back the next day. I went home thinking I would go back the next day, but while at home I decided I should go to a different place and get the oil change and the inspection that day.

            I went to the other oil change place and pulled in, I told the fellow what I wanted and he said they could do the oil change but the fellow who does the inspection just left for lunch and it would be 40 minutes before he returned. I said change the oil and I will wait. It took a while but he returned and I got the van inspected and the tires rotated.  

            We did sit outside for a while yesterday; it was breezy and the temp was not too hot. As usual, our neighbor drove by and Tres barked at his truck.

            Plans for today: after taking the Alex to school today we plan to have breakfast at the George restaurant with my favorite wife and Dave. Dave will go with me and Alex when I take Alex to school, then we will go by and get my favorite wife and Dave’s favorite mom and head out to breakfast.

            I may also go into Waco today to get the tag for the Fords ole van. I also need some gas in the truck and in the gas can along with some gas stabilizer. I guess I should go to the teller machine and see if I can get some funding. Wow, I need to shop and I need some money. I just thought, I need to water the potted plants today, never any rest for ole retired people.

            I just check the clock and I see that I need to get going. We hope you have a good day and please stay safe in all you do.

Breakfast out, nice.

Senior ole person who might have something to do today, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!