
Wednesday, February 19, 2025

February 19, 2025

            It is a cold good morning here in Hewitt, 17 degrees as I start this note. We hope everyone can stay inside out of the cold.

            I will start the Ford’s old Chevy and let it warm up before I venture outside, yes, I can start the truck from my ole desk.

            Today I will attempt to get the grand kids to school on time and safe, then I need to go to the dentist for a cleaning, and then my wife has a foot doctor appointment after lunch. It seems like we will be busy even though it is too cold to be outside.

            I have not been outside this morning but I could see on the security monitors that there were some snow flurries, it wasn’t much but it was there.

            The temp in the hot house is close to freezing, we hope the plants are ok.

            That is it, have a good day, be nice to someone if you can, and stay safe in all you do.

Too cold!

Senior ole person who needs to find a big coat for today, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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