It is Sunday and a good morning even though it is very cold outside and it is predicted to stay cold all day today.
We did go to the wedding yesterday afternoon and it was very nice. We had a good time with friends after the wedding and the food was also good. I should note; the Ford Curse did prevail during the meal after the wedding. What? You haven’t heard of the Ford Curse, allow me to explain.
“Ford Curse:” anyone named Ford, or anyone who is eating with a person named Ford, whether at home or at a restaurant, is subject to the Ford Curse. The Ford Curse states, “you will be subject to getting some of the food onto your clothing during the eating process. Not everyone, but someone will likely get food on their clothing.” Trust me, this is real.
Today’s events; we will attempt to stay inside where it is warm and not go outside into the cold. Having said that, we will likely go to the cracker store for lunch and on the way drop off a birthday card to Claire. I think she might be 22 years old, again.
I did go out to the hot house this morning and turned the heater up a little bit, we want to keep it above freezing in there.
I will stop now, try to stay warm and also be safe in all you do.
Ford’s food Curse!
Senior ole person who got food on his clean shirt last night, Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!
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