Howdy y’all, we are starting this Friday off in an optimistic mood, and we wish each of you a good morning. Why is the Don optimistic this morning, “cause we got 3 inches of rain yesterday and today is going to be sunny and warm.” The weather people are suggesting that we may reach 80 in the next couple days. That is not 80 years old but 80 degrees warm.
Big plans for today: get the kids to school safely and water the plants in the hot house. The rest of the day I plan to wait and see what happens.
Yesterday after the rain: the sun came out and I went outside to mess around with the scrap wood for the bird houses. While I was doing that my favorite wife came out so I put the scrap wood away and sat on the ole swing with her enjoying the nice warm weather. I did check the free rain gage yesterday afternoon and it does have some water seeping out. Now it is not dripping but it is a very slow seep. I guess I will continue the search for another rain gage.
We did go out to supper yesterday afternoon, the food was good the service was a little slow, and a friend was sitting in the booth next to us.
The heavy rain took most of the leaves that was in the street down to the end of the block.
I guess I should stop and get started. That statement is like saying I should turn it on and then off. I think the Don makes some interesting statements, or not. Wow I did it again.
Have a good day, be safe in all we do, be nice to at least one person.
Hot house maintenance person.
Senior ole person who would if he could, but can’t, so he doesn’t, Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!
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