
Sunday, January 26, 2025

January 26, 2025

            It is a good wet morning here in Hewitt Tx, but I don't know how much rain we have received as the ole free rain gage is cracked. I will attempt to find the resources to purchase a new rain gage.

            I do have a photo taken this morning of our pot hound Tres taking a nap on our bed.


            Yesterday, we did have lunch with Patrick, Karla, Dave, Claire and Alex, Gabi was working and could not attend. The service was good, and the food was also good. There were lively conversations, and it is always good to be with family. I have a photo of the cake, and the cake was good.


            After the meal we returned to the Homestead and continued the interesting conversations. Later in the day I did mess with the bird house parts and I finally remembered how to best assemble them, even though I did not assemble one I think I have the process in mind. There isn't much room at the bench in the garage where I attempt to occasionally work, due to the table saw being in the area. Now I could have pulled my favorite wife's ole van out of the garage and then placed the table saw back in its usual location, but that would have meant I put out some extra effort, and I don't have much effort to waste on work, so I didn't.

            The rest of the afternoon I sat at the Ford's ole desk and watched TV, there was two hours of the three stooges, but I only watched 1.5 hours.

            I need to ask my favorite wife if she will take me to the cracker store today for lunch, even though it is raining.

            That is another of the short post from me to you. The short post allows you to enjoy doing fun things and not sit around reading this non-interesting post. For anyone who reads these I say thank you, and have a good day while being safe in all you do.

Comfortable dog? 😐

Senior ole person who needs to do something or anything but… Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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