The title line indicates that the Don did something, without, but without what, she asked with a slight frown? The nice lady was wondering what the Don could have done and knowing he is a retired senior person; he is likely doing without lots of things. This lady thought, Possibly I can donate some aluminum cans to the Don and possibly he would not be without life’s necessities.
Wait a minute; how did you get off subject that quick. There weren’t any female subjects involved in my doing without. I did it without help! I am attempting to describe an event from yesterday, and there you go, way off in left field.
Now I want you to calm down and understand what you are reading, that is if you can read. Yesterday, I went out to the back 40 and retrieved one of the string trimmers out of the shed, and began trimming the area.
What? You have a question! I can’t believe you; I am attempting to provide information about working with out help from others, and you have a question! Ok what is the question?
That’s your question? Did the rest of you hear what he asked? He wants to know if I have more than one string trimmer. You interrupted this article to ask that? Yes, I have more than one string trimmer. The old one is gas powered, and the newer one is battery powered.
Now before he gets another question in his little head, I use the gas-powered trimmer. I have gas mixed with oil in a container, and I need to use it before it goes bad.
Please allow me to get back to my story without any further interruptions. I did trim the back 40 and after that strenuous work, I was able to drag my ole body out to the front yard. After a short break I proceeded to trin the front yard. After that grueling work I was able to put the trimmer back in the shed and made it to the Ford’s ole recliner where my eyes went closed and my body began to recover.
Later, after I awoke from the short nap, I had some scraps, I mean, left overs for lunch. I decided to pickup sticks from the back yard. No, not the old-time game of Pickup Sticks, I was picking up sticks that fell from the trees. I also picked up dog poop. This area cleanup was in preparation for the possibility that I might, mow later in the day or possibly on Friday.
Then I had a thought, the lawn sprinklers will run Friday morning and the grass will be wet. I don’t like to mow wet grass. I decided to get the ole riding mower out and mow the back 40. Yes, it looked nice after I mowed it.
The old senior body was wet with sweat, and after putting the ole mower up, I wondered if my ole body would be able to mow the front yard? Ole people can’t do all the work that real people do, I decided to try. If I try, I might be able to do this work without any serious injuries to the ole body.
I was able to mow the front yard without a leg or arm falling off.
I then went into the Homestead and cooled off a few minutes before getting into the shower. My ole body was now clean. Yes, I was able to clean even between the wrinkles. I got some clothes on and my favorite wife allowed me to take her to the restaurant for supper. Now you know what kind of a day the Don had.
Well, I was going to have more topics but the question at the beginning took up too much time. I need to go, so see you later!
May your nap be relaxing!
Senior retired ole person who got some stuff done yesterday, the Don!
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