Today I must take Charlie the cat and Tres the dog to the vet. We pay more for the vet visits and animal meds annually, that we do for our own Doc. visits and meds!
Now allow me to comment on dogs in the neighborhood. Sunday afternoon I received a call from a friend asking if the neighbors two dogs were out. I checked and they were not out. The friend then told me that there were two white dogs down at the end of the street.
Sunday night when my favorite wife went outside to get our cats in, she observed two white dogs running up the street and one of the dogs had something that she said looked like a yellow cat.
Monday morning, when Tres and I went for our stroll, we observed the body of the dead yellow cat, laying at the side of the street. The body had many puncture wounds from the dogs’ teeth.
Returning home I called the dog catcher, better known as animal control officer. They had not started work as it was prior to 8:00, I left a message on the phone.
Topic change; I have the TV on and there was a commercial for Ryder truck line. In the video was an employee from my past employer here at Waco.
Let us see, what will I do today, other than the vet? I need to remove the items from the back patio, as we are scheduled to get a cover built on the patio this week. As we understand it, he will start Wednesday and should be done in 3 days.
With the items sitting in the back 40, I will not be able to mow until he is through and has removed his trailer, along with me putting all the items back on the patio.
Allow me to point out one other thing about this week. This Friday is the 13th! Please be careful, and I know at least one of you who might just stay at home all Friday!
As I sit here at my desk, I observed the two neighbor ladies heading out for a morning walk. When two people walk together, is it a walk or is it a talk? A few minutes later I observed a lady walking alone. That lady had what appeared to be a club in her hand, no, it was not long enough to be a walking stick, it appeared to me to be a club! I do not blame anyone for caring some type of protection.
Well, I need to get the cat Charlie ready for the vet.
Be nice to someone today!
Senior ole person who is nice most of the time, Don the Ford
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