
Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Doctor visit today 02/24/2021

            My first wife goes to the doctor today, we hope he says, she can get rid of the arm brace. With the brace on, it is difficult for her to do most things with her right hand, even hard to write.

            It was 61 degrees this morning when I popped out of bed. The weeds have started growing in the yard, I guess I will get to work in the yard now that winter is temporarily gone.

            In a couple weeks the time will change, which I think is dumb. 😐

            In a couple weeks we will get our second virus shot, I think that is good. 😊

            Change; I changed some of my morning activities, and I like the change. 😊


            Commentary: the so-called news has noted that the new cases of reported virus seem to be going down. They report this as being due to the shots and wearing the masks. I agree to that, but they did not explain the complete scenario.    

            I believe there have been millions of cases of the virus, that have gone, and go, unreported. These cases of the virus along with masks and shots, are getting the population closer to the so-called, "herd immunity", and are bringing the new rate of the virus down!


                        Shots + Masks + Virus = herd immunity! Prove me wrong!


May your day be filled with kindness!


Senior person who is going to get a cup of coffee, Don the Ford

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