
Thursday, May 3, 2018

Prom not Porn 05.03.18

               You may have just noticed how close these two words are in their spelling and in the pronunciation. Why would I use this as a title to my blog posting, as everyone knows my blog is rated, “G”! Obviously the “G” rating stands for Good, no, I mean Great! I will explain why I used, “Prom not Porn”, below!

               For those of us who are aware that the end of the school year is near, we also know that it is Prom season. How much effort and money goes into getting ready for these proms no one knows! I have a story to tell about a prom event from about 10 years back.

               Several motorcycle riders from our group back then, were asked to participate as escorts for this young couple as they went to the Prom. The parents of the students had rented two Black SUVs to take them to the prom. This is how the procession was organized. There were four Motorcycles in front, they rode side by side with their emergency flashers on. In the first SUV were some men all dressed in black suits with sun glasses, looking like members of the Secret Service. The second SUV was for the students to ride in. Behind the second SUV was 4 more motorcycles who rode side by side with their flashers on.

               We left the students home, with all the vehicles running their flashers. It was possibly a two mile trip to the school. We received a lot of looks from the public. Arriving at the school the men dressed in black got out of the first SUV and went to the second SUV. Black suits and sun glasses on, “These make believe secret service men”, looked around as if they were securing the area. After about a minute they opened the door and the two students exited the vehicle.

               They achieved their goal. They had everyone’s attention.   


               Why did I use that title? I did it to get your attention!  Did it work?


Proms are expensive!

Don Ford

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