
Friday, May 25, 2018

Friday the end of the 05.25.18

               I guess Friday could be the end of several things. If you are not on a fixed income and if you have a steady job with a Monday through Friday schedule, then Friday would be the end of a work week. For those of us who do not have a 5 days schedule, Friday is not the end of anything, it is just another day for a retired senior citizen to work their poor bodies to death!
               As an example, today, Friday, 1 I must mow the yard, 2 get Alex from school at noon. Then I need to leave the security of the Homestead and 3 access the bank for my meager allowance, 4 go to the cleaners and pick up my old clothes, 5 then go to the Star for a cup of coffee, then I need to 6 drive all the way into Waco to get a bottle of adult beverage, returning home I need to 7 take a nap, after the well-deserved nap I must 8 finish the work on a door.
               Now you see those of us who do not have a 5 day per week job, must work continuously and I haven’t even commented on walking the roads to fine the elusive aluminum cans, or helping my present spouse carry in the groceries from her vehicle. It is a tough life being retired!
               I guess I had better get up from this 10 year old computer and get started on this enormous, and may I say, partial list of my activities. 

May your day have a light schedule!

Don Ford


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